- Abortion or Pregnancy termination
- Accreditation of prior and experiential learning
- ACEMO survey / Labour Activity and Employment Conditions survey / ACEMO
- Acquisition of French nationality
- Acquisitions less disposals of non produced assets
- Acquisitions less disposals of valuables
- Active life expectancy
- Active population forecasts
- Active solidarity income / RSA
- Activity rate
- Activity rate (population census)
- Actual collective consumption / Actual collective final consumption
- Actual final consumption
- Actual final consumption of households
- Actual individual consumption / Actual individual final consumption
- Actual working hours as defined by the Employment survey
- Adjusted disposable income of households (national accounts)
- Administrative account (local finances)
- Administrative jurisdiction
- Administrative tribunal
- Age
- Age (1999 population census)
- Age (census survey)
- Aggregate
- Agricultural branch
- Agricultural employment
- Agricultural holding
- Agricultural means of production purchasing price index / IPAMPA
- Agricultural producer price index
- Agricultural rent tribunal
- Agricultural workers
- Agriculture
- Ambulatory care
- Amending finance law
- Analysis by function
- Analysis by industry
- Analysis by production
- Annual domestic migration rate
- Annual duration of work
- Annual work unit / AWU
- Apartment building
- Apparent migration balance / Apparent migration balance
- Apparent productivity of capital
- Apparent productivity of labour
- Appeal court
- Apprentice
- Aquaculture
- Arbitrable income
- Arrests for narcotics use
- Arrivals
- Artificialization of soils
- Asian countries
- Assets
- Associated commune
- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line / ADSL
- Audiovisual activities
- Authorised housing project
- Auto-entrepreneur
- Average duration of stay (hotels, camping)
- Average wage per capita
- Average years living in the dwelling (census survey)
- Baccalauréat
- Balance of goods and services
- Balance of gross primary incomes / Gross national income (GNI)
- Balance of net primary incomes
- Balance of opinion
- Balance of payments
- Balance of trade
- Balance sheet account
- Basic Monthly Wage / SMB
- Basic prices
- Beneficiary of the statutory minimum
- Biodiversity
- Biomass
- Birth
- Birth order
- Birth rate
- Branch
- Brent
- Brevet d'études professionnelles / BEP
- Budget coefficient
- Budget settlement law
- Building Indices / BT
- Building industry
- Burglary
- Business failure rate
- Business Outlook Survey
- Business sector
- Business services
- Business start-up rate
- Business survival rate in n years
- Canton
- Capital intensity
- Capital taxes
- Capital transfer receivable/payable
- Carbon footprint
- Carbon tax
- Carriage of goods
- Carriage of passengers
- Cash-flow
- Catches
- Categorial incomes
- Categories of job applications established by decree
- Census survey
- Centiles
- Central and Eastern European countries
- Central balance sheet
- Central town and suburd
- Centres with accommodation (minors)
- Centres without accommodation (minors)
- Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle / CAP
- Certificat de qualification professionnelle de branche / CQP de branche
- Certificat de qualification professionnelle interbranche / CQPI
- CFA franc zone
- Chained prices of the previous year (national accounts)
- Chain hotels
- Change in stocks
- Child (in the sense of household surveys)
- Child (in the sense of the census survey)
- Circular economy
- Circulating productive capital
- Civil Engineering (TP) indices
- Civilian employment
- Civil justice
- Civil service
- Civil Solidarity Pact / Pacs
- Civil status registry
- Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose / COICOP
- Classification of outlays of producers by purpose / COPP
- Classification of professions and socioprofessional categories / Socio-professional categories
- Classification of socioprofessional categories / CSP
- Classification of the functions of government / COFOG
- Classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions / COPNI
- Classifications (activities, products)
- Clear-up rate
- Climate change
- Climate severity index
- Closed educational centre
- Closing balance sheet
- Coal
- Coefficient of variation / CV
- Coercive detention
- Collection unit
- Collective accommodation
- Collective consumption expenditure of general government
- Collective education centres for minors
- Collective investment funds / CIF
- Collective investment scheme / CIS
- Collective number of working hours (annual)
- Collective road transport
- Combined Nomenclature
- Commenced dwelling
- Commercial court
- Commercial handicraft
- Commercial margin rate
- Commercial Rent Index / ILC
- Common bird population index
- Commonwealth of Independent States / CIS
- Communication services
- Community (census survey)
- Community category (census survey)
- Community of municipalities
- Community service
- Company
- Company savings plan
- Company takeover
- Compensation of civil servants
- Compensation of employees
- Compensatory allowance for third parties
- Completed fertility
- Composite business climate indicator
- Composite index number
- Compte personnel de formation / CPF
- Conditional release
- Confidence interval
- Conseil en évolution professionnelle / CEP
- Consolidated profit
- Consolidated turnover
- Construction start
- Consumer goods industries
- Consumer price index / CPI
- Consumption of medical care and materials
- Consumption unit
- Continuing education and training
- Contribution to GDP growth (national accounts)
- Control rate
- Conurbation
- Conurbation community
- Convergence criteria (Maastricht Treaty)
- Conviction appearing on the criminal record
- Core inflation
- Corporate enterprise
- Corporate network
- Corporation
- Correctional court
- Cost, insurance, freight
- Cost-of-construction index / ICC
- Couple (in the meaning of living in a couple, census survey)
- Couple (in the sense of household surveys)
- Couple within a household (census survey)
- Court of Cassation
- Court of first instance
- Creations of establishments
- Crime
- Crime rate
- Criminal justice
- Current expenditure on medical care and materials
- Current external balance
- Current international cooperation
- Current prices - constant prices
- Current taxes on income and wealth
- Current transfers within general government
- Custodial sentence
- Custodial sentence (imprisonment)
- Daily reference wage
- Daily replacement rate
- Death probability
- Deaths of enterprises
- Debt ratio
- Deciles
- Decision-making center of a group of companies
- Declared income (or tax income)
- De facto marital status
- Definitive transactions (local finances)
- Deflation
- Deflator
- Degree-Masters-Doctorate / LMD
- Delegated commune
- Demographic increase
- Department
- Departmental welfare provisions
- Department store
- Departure rate
- Derivative financial products
- Designs and models
- Diploma in Technological Studies / DUT
- Diploma of Advanced Technician / BTS
- Diplôme d’études approfondies / DEA
- Diplôme d’études supérieures spécialisées / DESS
- Diplôme d’études universitaires générales / Deug
- Diplôme national du brevet / DNB
- Direct migratory ancestry
- Disabled adult allowance
- Discharge of penalty
- Disposable income
- Distributed income of corporations
- Distributive transactions
- Districts
- Dividends
- Divorce
- Divorce rate
- Doctorate
- Domestic duty on consumption of energy products / TICPE / TIPP
- Domestic electricity consumption
- Domestic expenditure on Education
- Domestic tourism consumption
- Domestic tourism expenditure
- Domiciled civil status event
- Downpayment
- Draft budget law (PLF)
- Droit individuel à la formation / DIF
- Drug use
- Durability classification
- Dwelling
- Dwelling occupancy index
- Dwellings maintenance and improvement price index / IPEA
- Early leaver from education and training
- Early neonatal mortality
- Early neonatal mortality rate
- Economic activity
- Economic and financial offence
- Economic sphere
- Economic territory
- Economic turning point indicator
- Ecotechnologies
- Educational measure (criminal)
- Education and training
- Effective rainfall
- Electoral list management unit / Ugle
- Electoral lists
- Electronic commerce
- Electronic data interchange
- Employers' imputed social contributions
- Employers’ actual social contributions
- Employment (according to the International Labour Organization (ILO) definition)
- Employment (population census)
- Employment contract
- Employment estimates
- Employment in number of people
- Employment in the context of national accounts
- Employment on 31 December
- Employment rate
- Employment status
- Employment zone
- End-of-month job seekers
- Energy
- Energy consumption corrected for climate variations
- Energy self-sufficiency rate
- Enforcement judge
- Enrolment rate
- Ensign
- Enterprise
- Enterprise bankruptcy
- Enterprise birth
- Enterprise Categories
- Environmental tax
- Environmental tax revenues
- Epure: data from Urssaf, MSA and SIASP on employment and the total wage bill, used by INSEE
- Equipment
- Establishment
- Establishment classified Atout France
- Establishment creation rate
- Euro
- European Coal and Steel Community / ECSC
- European Economic Area / EEA
- European Economic Community / EEC
- European Free Trade Association / EFTA
- European Monetary System / EMS
- European size unit / ESU
- European Statistical System / ESS
- European Union / EU
- Eurostat
- Eurozone
- Examining magistrate
- Expectation of working life
- Expected years of schooling for a 2-year-old child
- Expenditure on cultural and recreational services
- Expenditure on employment
- Expenditure to protect the environment
- Export rate
- Exports
- Exports of goods
- Exports of goods and services
- Exports of services
- Family
- Family affairs judge
- Family benefits
- Family holiday accommodation centres
- Family reference person
- Family structure
- Felony
- Fertility rate
- Filing a patent
- Final consumption expenditure
- Final domestic demand
- Final energy
- Financial charge borne by households for the occupation of their main residence
- Financial companies
- Financial intermediation
- Financial lease
- Financial operations
- Financial saving rate
- Financing of rental stock
- Fines
- First-time mortgager, first-time buyer (owner)
- Fiscal reference person
- Fixed-capital consumption
- Fixed productive capital
- Fixed-term employment contract
- Flow of funds table / TOF
- FOB (Free On Board) price
- Fœtal mortality
- Fœtal mortality rate
- Foeto-infant mortality
- Foeto-infant mortality rate
- Foreign Direct Investments
- Foreigner
- Foreign multinational company
- Foreign trade balance (national accounts)
- Foreign trade coverage ratio
- Forest property
- Forest regime
- Forgery
- Fragmentation
- France (for statistics)
- Free urban zone / ZFU
- French classification of activities
- French classification of activities and products
- French classification of education levels (1969)
- French classification of products / CPF
- French multinational company
- French National supervisory body on crime and punishment / ONDRP
- French nomenclature of activities for handicrafts / NAFA
- Full career
- Full time employment rate
- Full time equivalent employment rate
- Functional areas
- Gas
- General activity limitation indicator
- General decentralisation grant / DGD
- General equipment grant / DGE
- General government
- General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Communities / NACE
- Generalised Social Contribution / CSG
- General operating grant / DGF
- Generation
- Gini index
- Global warming potential / GWP
- Goods
- Greenhouse gas (emissions)
- Gross disposable income of households (national accounts)
- Gross domestic product at market prices
- Gross final energy consumption
- Gross fixed capital formation / GFCF
- Gross operating surplus
- Gross production of electricity
- Gross tonnage
- Gross value added
- Gross value added at factor cost
- Gross wealth
- Grouping of municipalities with tax-levying powers
- Group of companies
- Growth overhang
- Growth rate
- Guaranteed minimum / SMIC
- Guaranteed minimum growth wage / SMIC
- Halieutic production
- Handicraft
- Hard discount store
- Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System / HS
- Harmonised consumer price index of the member State / HCPI
- Harmonised European System for Business Outlook Surveys
- Harvested production (agriculture)
- Head office
- Head of group
- Head of Public group
- Healthcare professions
- Health Transport Services
- Healthy life expectancy / HALE
- Higher education teacher
- High voltage and low voltage (electricity)
- Holiday
- Holiday centres
- Holiday placements
- Holiday village
- Homeless
- Home-owner
- Hospital public service
- Hours paid
- Household
- Household final consumption expenditure
- Household forecasts
- Household housing expenditure to income ratio
- Household PCS
- Household purchasing power (national accounts)
- Household resources
- Household Savings
- Households’ actual social contributions
- Housing benefit
- Housing category
- Housing occupancy status
- Housing space
- Hunting kill
- Hypermarket
- IMF debt / Debt as defined by the IMF
- Immediate placement centre
- Immigrant
- Imports of goods and services
- Imprisonment
- Inactive person
- Incidence rate
- Income from self-employment
- Income inter-decile ratio
- Index
- Index database of natural persons
- Index of imported commodities
- Index of industrial production and import prices
- Index of orders in value received by industry
- Index of production prices for services to enterprises
- Index of the cost of labour in industry, construction and the tertiary sector
- Index of the revised cost of hourly labour – All employees
- Indirectly measured financial intermediation services / SIFIM
- Individual consumption expenditure of general government
- Individual or collective building
- Industrial economy
- Industrial or urban population zone / ZPIU
- Industrial production index / IPI
- Industrial property protection
- Industrial tribunal
- Industry
- Industry producing capital goods
- Industry producing intermediate goods
- Infant mortality
- Infant mortality rate
- Inflation
- Information and communications technologies / ICT
- Information-communication (sector)
- Information on planning permission and housing starts
- Initial Budget Law
- Initial income
- Innovation
- Inpatient care
- Input-output table
- Inserm
- Institute for Health Monitoring
- Institutional research and experimental development sectors
- Institutional sectors
- Institutional unit
- Institution diploma
- Insurance companies
- Intellectual property
- Intensity in carbon
- Inter-decile ratios
- Interest
- Interests
- Intermediate consumption
- Intermediate-sized enterprises / ETI
- Intermunicipal authority
- Internal classification number / NIC (SIRENE) / NIC
- International Labour Office / ILO
- International residence centre
- International Standard Classification for Education
- International standard industrial classification of all economic activities / ISIC
- Internet
- Investment expenditure (local finances)
- Investment income (local finances)
- Investment rate (business statistics)
- Investment rate (national accounts)
- In-work benefit
- Irreducible period
- Isolated municipality out of the poles influence
- Isolated town
- Labour costs / Labour costs
- Labour force
- Land use, land use change and forestry / LULUCF
- Large district
- Large enterprise
- Large family
- Leavers from initial education
- Legal marital status
- Legal populations
- Legal status
- Legal unit
- Legal working hours
- Legislative district
- Legitimate birth and Outside marriage birth
- Legitimisation
- Leisure centres
- Level of qualification (population census)
- Licence
- Life expectancy / Life expectancy at birth / Life expectancy at age 60
- Limited-term employment
- Liquidant
- Living zone
- Loans (local finances)
- Local court
- Local government (national accounts)
- Localised employment estimates / Estel / ESTEL
- Local taxation
- Long-Term Illnesses / ALD
- Long-term job seekers
- Long-term unemployed person
- Loss of French nationality
- Low-skilled job (PCS classification)
- Low wage
- Lump-sum fine
- Maghreb countries
- Main residence
- Maîtrise
- Management account (local finances)
- Management savings (local finances)
- Manager of the agricultural holding
- Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco / IAA
- Manufacture of motor vehicles
- Manufacturing industry
- Margin rate (business statistics)
- Margin rate (national accounts)
- Market capitalisation (of a company)
- Market goods and services
- Market production
- Market services
- Market value of land
- Markup
- Marriage probability
- Marriage rate
- Master
- Material and social deprivation
- Material footprint / Material consumption in terms of raw material equivalent
- Mean
- Measurement unit (energy)
- Median
- Median wage
- Medical density
- Member States of the European Union
- Metropolitan France (for statistics)
- Micro-enterprise / MIC
- Micro-entrepreneur
- Micro-group
- Middle East countries
- Migration balance
- Minimum integration income
- Minimum wage in the European Union
- Ministerial statistical departments / SSM
- Misdemeanour
- Mixed income
- monetary poverty
- Monetary poverty rate
- Monocentric municipality
- Monthly Guaranteed Wage
- Mortality rate
- Motor trades and repairs
- Moving average
- Multicentric municipality
- Multinational firm
- Multiple pensions
- Multipollutant air quality index
- Multiregional enterprise
- Municipal districts
- Municipality
- Municipal population
- National Directory for the Identification of Natural Persons / RNIPP
- National Distance Learning Centre / CNED
- National economy
- National Enterprise and Establishment Register Database / SIRENE / Sirene
- National expenditure on the environment
- National Forest Inventory / IFN
- National framework for professional qualifications
- National healthcare expenditure
- National inter-scheme health insurance register / RNIAM
- Nationalisation, privatisation, "respiration"
- Nationality
- National Museum
- National Park
- National Registration Number
- National wealth (national accounts)
- Natural disaster
- Natural Increase
- Naturalisation
- Natural person
- Natural population surplus rate
- Natural resources
- Nature reserve
- Neither in employment nor in education or training / NEET
- Neonatal mortality
- Neonatal mortality rate
- Net banking income
- Net debt
- Net domestic product
- Net electricity consumption
- Net farm result
- Net fixed capital formation
- Net lending
- Net production of electricity
- Net social contributions
- Netsurfer
- Net wealth
- Network head company
- Network in services
- New orders index by value
- New vehicle registrations
- Nitrates
- Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics / NUTS
- Nomenclatures fonctionnelles
- Nominal and real effective exchange rates
- Non-accredited hotels
- Non-financial companies
- Non-financial market services
- Non-life insurance claims
- Non-market output / Non-market production
- Non-market services
- Non-profit institutions serving households / Secteur des institutions sans but lucratif au service des ménages / NPISHs
- Non residents
- Non-salaried employment
- Non-standard working hours / Non-standard working hours as defined by the Employment survey
- Non-tenured personnel
- North American Industry Classification System / NAICS
- North Sea states
- Number of consumer units in the tax household
- Number of habitable rooms
- Number of persons in the tax household
- Numerus clausus
- Occasional dwelling
- Occupancy rate (hotels, campsites, other accommodations)
- Occupied labour force (population census)
- Offence
- Offences against narcotics legislation
- Offences against persons
- Offences reported by police services gendarmerie units
- Old-age dependency ratio
- One-family dwelling
- One-parent family
- Open custody (justice)
- Open-ended employment contract / CDI
- Opening of hypermarkets or supermarkets
- Operating expenditure (local finances)
- Operating income (local finances)
- Ordinary housing
- Ordinary jurisdiction
- Organic farming
- Organic law relating to the finance laws / Lolf
- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development / OECD
- Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries / OPEC
- Orthophosphate
- Oslo Manual
- Other changes in the volume and adjustments of assets and liabilities
- Other collective tourist accommodation / AHCT
- Other government bodies / ODAC
- Other subsidies on production
- Other taxes on production
- Outdoor hotels (campsites) / Campsites
- Output produced for own final use / Production for final own use
- Outright owner
- Overcrowded dwelling
- Overnight stay
- Overoccupied dwelling
- Overseas department / DOM
- Overseas territorial authority / COM
- Overseas territory / TOM
- Own brand
- Owner paying mortgage or loan
- Ozone
- Paid working hours (annual)
- Parity and equality between women and men
- Part-time
- Part time employment rate
- Passenger-kilometre
- Patent
- Penal institution
- Penal servitude
- Perinatal mortality
- Perinatal mortality rate
- Period in which construction was completed (population census)
- Periphery
- Permanent Equipment Database / PED
- Personalized autonomy allowance
- Personal training leave / CIF
- Person charged
- Pesticides
- Place of work
- Plough lands
- PM10 and PM2.5 particles
- Police court
- Population
- Population census
- Population counted apart
- Population not in education
- Population projection
- Population pyramid
- Population without double counting (1999 census)
- Positive discrimination of school policy
- Post and telecommunication services
- Post-neonatal mortality
- Post of work
- Poverty gap
- Precautionary biomass
- Pre-engaged expenditure
- Premature mortality rate
- Pre-tax profit / loss
- Pre-trial detention
- Price indices for old housing stock
- Primary education
- Primary electricity
- Primary energy
- Primary income
- Primary sector
- Primitive budget
- Principal activity
- Priority Neighbourhoods
- Prisoner
- Prison population
- Private education
- Private landlords
- Private road transport
- Probation
- Procedure for immediate appearance before the court for minors
- PRODCOM Survey
- PRODFRA / French Production
- Producer cost indices for construction
- Producer price index / PPI
- Production (national accounts) / Output
- Production at basic price (agriculture)
- Production capacity usage rate
- Production excluding subsidies (agriculture)
- Productivity
- Productivity of resources
- Product of the manufacturing industry
- Products of the european community
- Professional Bachelor’s degree
- Professional certificates
- Professional fishing
- Professionalisation contract
- Profiling a group of companies
- Profitability
- Profit or loss for the year
- Property tort
- Prosecuting Chamber
- Protection of species
- Protection of the environment
- Proved reserves
- Provincial France
- Provisional central product classification
- Pseudo-canton
- Public deficit (national accounts)
- Public deficit and public debt ratios
- Public development aid / APD
- Public expenditure
- Public intercommunal cooperation establishment / EPCI
- Public landlords
- Public or ministerial officer
- Public prosecutor's office
- Public research sector
- Public-sector firm
- Public-sector SIRENE
- Public statistical department / SSP
- Public statistics
- Public sub-group
- Purchaser's prices
- Purchasing power of currency
- Purchasing power of wages
- Purchasing power parity / PPP / PPP
- Purchasing power standard
- Railway transport
- Real estate activities
- Real estate development
- Recent (Buyer, mortgager, first-time mortgager, first-time buyer, moved)
- Recession
- Recipients of unemployment insurance benefits
- Recomposed family
- Recycling
- Reference person of the household - complementary processing (population census) / Reference person of the household
- Reference populations
- Referencing centre
- Region
- Regional enterprise
- Regional grant for school equipment / DRES / DDEC / Dotation départementale d'équipement des collèges / DDEC
- Registered civil status event
- Registered job vacancies
- Register of localized buildings / RIL
- Registration of new private vehicles
- Regular smokers
- Reinforced educational centre
- Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment
- Relative price of tobacco
- Remote working
- Renewable energies
- Rent
- Rent-free (households)
- Rent reference index / IRL
- Rent reference index - Law 2005 / IRL 2005 law
- Replacement fertility rate
- Reproduction rate
- Requirement in days
- Requirement in hours (salary)
- Research and development effort / RDE
- Research and experimental development / R&D
- Resident occupied population
- Residents
- Resources - Uses Balance
- Rest of the world
- Retail outlet
- Retail sales network
- Retirement pension
- Retraining plan
- Return on assets
- Return on equity
- Reversion pensions
- Road accidents
- Roundwood
- Rural cluster
- Rural municipality
- Rural space
- Rural suburbs
- S80 / S20 ratio
- Safety measure
- Sailors (employment)
- Salaried employment
- Sales area
- Sandwich contract
- Sanitary facility (census survey)
- Satellite account
- Satisfaction in life
- Saving rate
- Saving rate (local finances)
- Savings (national accounts)
- Scanner data
- School-leavers with a low level of education
- Scout centres (minors)
- Seasonal adjustment
- Secondary activity
- Secondary education
- Secondary energy
- Secondary sector
- Second home
- Section d'enseignement général et professionnel adapté / SEGPA
- Secure custody (justice)
- Self-employed or independent
- Self-financing rate
- Self-financing rate (business statistics)
- Sensitive urban zone / ZUS
- Services
- Services to individuals
- Share of long-term unemployment
- Share of other income in the taxable income of households
- Share of pay and wages in the taxable income of households
- Share of pensions and annuities in the taxable income of households
- Share of profit in the taxable income of households
- Share of taxed households
- Short-term economic indicator
- Single electoral register
- Single employee delegation
- Siren number
- Siret number
- Slack work
- Small and medium enterprises / SME
- Small claims court
- Small Industrial Business Survey / EPEI
- Social assistance for accommodation
- Social benefits (national accounts)
- Social benefits (or social transfers)
- Social benefits other than social transfers in kinds
- Social Debt Repayment Contribution / CRDS
- Social rental market
- Social sector housing
- Social Security ceiling wage
- Social transfers in kind
- Sole proprietorship
- Sole proprietorship (national accounts)
- Solidarity allowance for the elderly
- Special court
- Specific Solidarity Allowance
- Spontaneous labour force
- Sports centre
- Sports federation
- Sports licence
- Sportspeople recognised by the Ministry
- Standard deviation
- Standard gross margin / SGM
- Standard gross production / SGP
- Standardised mortality index
- Standard of living
- State civil service
- State-convention moderate rent housing
- State debt
- Statistical block
- Statistical block database
- Statistical classification of products by activity in the EEC
- Statistical unit
- Statutory minimum
- Stay
- Still birth
- Structural indicator
- Structuring effect
- Student
- Student (population census)
- Subcontracting (industrial)
- Subsidiary corporation
- Subsidised contract
- Suburb
- Suburban municipality
- Summary economic classification / NES
- Supermarket
- Supplementary invalidity allowance
- Supplementary old-age allowance
- Survival table
- Suspension
- Sustainable development
- System for Information on Civil Servants
- Tangible investments
- Taxable income
- Tax at source
- Tax domicile
- Taxes less subsidies on products
- Taxes on income
- Tax household
- Tax income
- Taxon
- Tax system for micro-enterprises
- Temporary employment
- Temporary work contract (temporary work assignment)
- Tenured personnel
- Terms of trade
- Territorial authority
- Territorial correction
- territorial public service
- Tertiary Activities Rent Index / TARI
- Tertiary education
- Tertiary sector
- The cohort-size free retirement age
- The French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT)
- The general electoral roll
- The National Institute for Health Education and Illness Prevention / INPES / Inpes
- The penitentiary service for integration and probation / SPIP
- The REPONSE survey
- The turnover index for wholesale companies and miscellaneous services to enterprises
- Time series
- Tonne-kilometre
- Ton of oil equivalent / toe
- Total charges related to operation of the main residence
- Total domestic debt / EIT
- Total employment
- Total fertility rate
- Total financial charge borne by households for the occupation of their main residence
- Total general government liabilities (national accounts)
- Total healthcare expenditure
- Total period divorce rate
- Total period marriage rate
- Total population
- Total population (national accounts)
- Total primary energy consumption
- Total tax burden
- Tourism
- Tourist collective accommodation / Tourist accommodation
- Tourist hotels
- Tourist residence
- Trade
- Trademark
- Trading group
- Training speciality classification
- Transfers received (local finances)
- Transient pitch
- Transport and warehousing
- Transported passenger
- Travel
- Trip
- Turnover
- Turnover index
- Turnover index for enterprises in the retail and personal services sectors
- Turnover index for industry and construction
- Type of construction (census survey)
- Type of construction specific to French overseas departments (census survey)
- Type of family
- Type of Farming / TF
- Under-employment
- Underlying" employment rate / Standardised employment rate
- Under-occupied dwelling / Undercrowded dwelling
- Unemployed person (according to the International Labour Organization (ILO) definition)
- Unemployed persons
- Unemployment
- Unemployment Halo
- Unemployment Insurance Benefits
- Unemployment insurance claimant
- Unemployment rate
- Unemployment rate / Share of unemployed
- Unité urbaine internationale
- Units Labor costs
- University Bachelor of Technology / BUT
- Urban area
- Urban background
- Urban cluster
- Urban community
- Urban municipality
- Urban policy
- Urban space
- Urban unit
- Usual residence
- Usual weekly working hours
- Utilised agricultural area
- Wage bill
- Wage costs
- Wage income
- Wages and compensation in kind (national accounts)
- Wages and salaries
- Waste
- Weighting
- Wholesale food price index / WFPI
- Wholesale intermediaries
- Wood balance
- Wooded area
- Wood harvest
- Worker and employee basic hourly wage / SHBOE
- Worker and employee basic hourly wage index
- Working conditions survey
- Works Council
- Worksite equipment / IM
- World Trade Organization