
Cette rubrique présente les définitions des concepts les plus souvent utilisés dans le système statistique public.

Dernière mise à jour le : 11/02/2025
  1. 2
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. E
  7. F
  8. G
  9. H
  10. I
  11. J
  12. K
  13. L
  14. M
  15. N
  16. O
  17. P
  18. Q
  19. R
  20. S
  21. T
  22. U
  23. V
  24. W
  25. Y
  26. Z


  1. Abortion or Pregnancy termination
  2. Accreditation of prior and experiential learning
  3. ACEMO survey / Labour Activity and Employment Conditions survey / ACEMO
  4. Acquisition of French nationality
  5. Acquisitions less disposals of non produced assets
  6. Acquisitions less disposals of valuables
  7. Active life expectancy
  8. Active population forecasts
  9. Active solidarity income / RSA
  10. Activity rate
  11. Activity rate (population census)
  12. Actual collective consumption / Actual collective final consumption
  13. Actual final consumption
  14. Actual final consumption of households
  15. Actual individual consumption / Actual individual final consumption
  16. Actual working hours as defined by the Employment survey
  17. Adjusted disposable income of households (national accounts)
  18. Administrative account (local finances)
  19. Administrative jurisdiction
  20. Administrative tribunal
  21. Age
  22. Age (1999 population census)
  23. Age (census survey)
  24. Aggregate
  25. Agricultural branch
  26. Agricultural employment
  27. Agricultural holding
  28. Agricultural means of production purchasing price index / IPAMPA
  29. Agricultural producer price index
  30. Agricultural rent tribunal
  31. Agricultural workers
  32. Agriculture
  33. Ambulatory care
  34. Amending finance law
  35. Analysis by function
  36. Analysis by industry
  37. Analysis by production
  38. Annual domestic migration rate
  39. Annual duration of work
  40. Annual work unit / AWU
  41. Apartment building
  42. Apparent migration balance / Apparent migration balance
  43. Apparent productivity of capital
  44. Apparent productivity of labour
  45. Appeal court
  46. Apprentice
  47. Aquaculture
  48. Arbitrable income
  49. Arrests for narcotics use
  50. Arrivals
  51. Artificialization of soils
  52. Asian countries
  53. Assets
  54. Associated commune
  55. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line / ADSL
  56. Audiovisual activities
  57. Authorised housing project
  58. Auto-entrepreneur
  59. Average duration of stay (hotels, camping)
  60. Average wage per capita
  61. Average years living in the dwelling (census survey)


  1. Canton
  2. Capital intensity
  3. Capital taxes
  4. Capital transfer receivable/payable
  5. Carbon footprint
  6. Carbon tax
  7. Carriage of goods
  8. Carriage of passengers
  9. Cash-flow
  10. Catches
  11. Categorial incomes
  12. Categories of job applications established by decree
  13. Census survey
  14. Centiles
  15. Central and Eastern European countries
  16. Central balance sheet
  17. Central town and suburd
  18. Centres with accommodation (minors)
  19. Centres without accommodation (minors)
  20. Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle / CAP
  21. Certificat de qualification professionnelle de branche / CQP de branche
  22. Certificat de qualification professionnelle interbranche / CQPI
  23. CFA franc zone
  24. Chained prices of the previous year (national accounts)
  25. Chain hotels
  26. Change in stocks
  27. Child (in the sense of household surveys)
  28. Child (in the sense of the census survey)
  29. Circular economy
  30. Circulating productive capital
  31. Civil Engineering (TP) indices
  32. Civilian employment
  33. Civil justice
  34. Civil service
  35. Civil Solidarity Pact / Pacs
  36. Civil status registry
  37. Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose / COICOP
  38. Classification of outlays of producers by purpose / COPP
  39. Classification of professions and socioprofessional categories / Socio-professional categories
  40. Classification of socioprofessional categories / CSP
  41. Classification of the functions of government / COFOG
  42. Classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions / COPNI
  43. Classifications (activities, products)
  44. Clear-up rate
  45. Climate change
  46. Climate severity index
  47. Closed educational centre
  48. Closing balance sheet
  49. Coal
  50. Coefficient of variation / CV
  51. Coercive detention
  52. Collection unit
  53. Collective accommodation
  54. Collective consumption expenditure of general government
  55. Collective education centres for minors
  56. Collective investment funds / CIF
  57. Collective investment scheme / CIS
  58. Collective number of working hours (annual)
  59. Collective road transport
  60. Combined Nomenclature
  61. Commenced dwelling
  62. Commercial court
  63. Commercial handicraft
  64. Commercial margin rate
  65. Commercial Rent Index / ILC
  66. Common bird population index
  67. Commonwealth of Independent States / CIS
  68. Communication services
  69. Community (census survey)
  70. Community category (census survey)
  71. Community of municipalities
  72. Community service
  73. Company
  74. Company savings plan
  75. Company takeover
  76. Compensation of civil servants
  77. Compensation of employees
  78. Compensatory allowance for third parties
  79. Completed fertility
  80. Composite business climate indicator
  81. Composite index number
  82. Compte personnel de formation / CPF
  83. Conditional release
  84. Confidence interval
  85. Conseil en évolution professionnelle / CEP
  86. Consolidated profit
  87. Consolidated turnover
  88. Construction start
  89. Consumer goods industries
  90. Consumer price index / CPI
  91. Consumption of medical care and materials
  92. Consumption unit
  93. Continuing education and training
  94. Contribution to GDP growth (national accounts)
  95. Control rate
  96. Conurbation
  97. Conurbation community
  98. Convergence criteria (Maastricht Treaty)
  99. Conviction appearing on the criminal record
  100. Core inflation
  101. Corporate enterprise
  102. Corporate network
  103. Corporation
  104. Correctional court
  105. Cost, insurance, freight
  106. Cost-of-construction index / ICC
  107. Couple (in the meaning of living in a couple, census survey)
  108. Couple (in the sense of household surveys)
  109. Couple within a household (census survey)
  110. Court of Cassation
  111. Court of first instance
  112. Creations of establishments
  113. Crime
  114. Crime rate
  115. Criminal justice
  116. Current expenditure on medical care and materials
  117. Current external balance
  118. Current international cooperation
  119. Current prices - constant prices
  120. Current taxes on income and wealth
  121. Current transfers within general government
  122. Custodial sentence
  123. Custodial sentence (imprisonment)


  1. Early leaver from education and training
  2. Early neonatal mortality
  3. Early neonatal mortality rate
  4. Economic activity
  5. Economic and financial offence
  6. Economic sphere
  7. Economic territory
  8. Economic turning point indicator
  9. Ecotechnologies
  10. Educational measure (criminal)
  11. Education and training
  12. Effective rainfall
  13. Electoral list management unit / Ugle
  14. Electoral lists
  15. Electronic commerce
  16. Electronic data interchange
  17. Employers' imputed social contributions
  18. Employers’ actual social contributions
  19. Employment (according to the International Labour Organization (ILO) definition)
  20. Employment (population census)
  21. Employment contract
  22. Employment estimates
  23. Employment in number of people
  24. Employment in the context of national accounts
  25. Employment on 31 December
  26. Employment rate
  27. Employment status
  28. Employment zone
  29. End-of-month job seekers
  30. Energy
  31. Energy consumption corrected for climate variations
  32. Energy self-sufficiency rate
  33. Enforcement judge
  34. Enrolment rate
  35. Ensign
  36. Enterprise
  37. Enterprise bankruptcy
  38. Enterprise birth
  39. Enterprise Categories
  40. Environmental tax
  41. Environmental tax revenues
  42. Epure: data from Urssaf, MSA and SIASP on employment and the total wage bill, used by INSEE
  43. Equipment
  44. Establishment
  45. Establishment classified Atout France
  46. Establishment creation rate
  47. Euro
  48. European Coal and Steel Community / ECSC
  49. European Economic Area / EEA
  50. European Economic Community / EEC
  51. European Free Trade Association / EFTA
  52. European Monetary System / EMS
  53. European size unit / ESU
  54. European Statistical System / ESS
  55. European Union / EU
  56. Eurostat
  57. Eurozone
  58. Examining magistrate
  59. Expectation of working life
  60. Expected years of schooling for a 2-year-old child
  61. Expenditure on cultural and recreational services
  62. Expenditure on employment
  63. Expenditure to protect the environment
  64. Export rate
  65. Exports
  66. Exports of goods
  67. Exports of goods and services
  68. Exports of services


  1. IMF debt / Debt as defined by the IMF
  2. Immediate placement centre
  3. Immigrant
  4. Imports of goods and services
  5. Imprisonment
  6. Inactive person
  7. Incidence rate
  8. Income from self-employment
  9. Income inter-decile ratio
  10. Index
  11. Index database of natural persons
  12. Index of imported commodities
  13. Index of industrial production and import prices
  14. Index of orders in value received by industry
  15. Index of production prices for services to enterprises
  16. Index of the cost of labour in industry, construction and the tertiary sector
  17. Index of the revised cost of hourly labour – All employees
  18. Indirectly measured financial intermediation services / SIFIM
  19. Individual consumption expenditure of general government
  20. Individual or collective building
  21. Industrial economy
  22. Industrial or urban population zone / ZPIU
  23. Industrial production index / IPI
  24. Industrial property protection
  25. Industrial tribunal
  26. Industry
  27. Industry producing capital goods
  28. Industry producing intermediate goods
  29. Infant mortality
  30. Infant mortality rate
  31. Inflation
  32. Information and communications technologies / ICT
  33. Information-communication (sector)
  34. Information on planning permission and housing starts
  35. Initial Budget Law
  36. Initial income
  37. Innovation
  38. Inpatient care
  39. Input-output table
  40. Inserm
  41. Institute for Health Monitoring
  42. Institutional research and experimental development sectors
  43. Institutional sectors
  44. Institutional unit
  45. Institution diploma
  46. Insurance companies
  47. Intellectual property
  48. Intensity in carbon
  49. Inter-decile ratios
  50. Interest
  51. Interests
  52. Intermediate consumption
  53. Intermediate-sized enterprises / ETI
  54. Intermunicipal authority
  55. Internal classification number / NIC (SIRENE) / NIC
  56. International Labour Office / ILO
  57. International residence centre
  58. International Standard Classification for Education
  59. International standard industrial classification of all economic activities / ISIC
  60. Internet
  61. Investment expenditure (local finances)
  62. Investment income (local finances)
  63. Investment rate (business statistics)
  64. Investment rate (national accounts)
  65. In-work benefit
  66. IRIS
  67. Irreducible period
  68. Isolated municipality out of the poles influence
  69. Isolated town


  1. National Directory for the Identification of Natural Persons / RNIPP
  2. National Distance Learning Centre / CNED
  3. National economy
  4. National Enterprise and Establishment Register Database / SIRENE / Sirene
  5. National expenditure on the environment
  6. National Forest Inventory / IFN
  7. National framework for professional qualifications
  8. National healthcare expenditure
  9. National inter-scheme health insurance register / RNIAM
  10. Nationalisation, privatisation, "respiration"
  11. Nationality
  12. National Museum
  13. National Park
  14. National Registration Number
  15. National wealth (national accounts)
  16. Natural disaster
  17. Natural Increase
  18. Naturalisation
  19. Natural person
  20. Natural population surplus rate
  21. Natural resources
  22. Nature reserve
  23. Neither in employment nor in education or training / NEET
  24. Neonatal mortality
  25. Neonatal mortality rate
  26. Net banking income
  27. Net debt
  28. Net domestic product
  29. Net electricity consumption
  30. Net farm result
  31. Net fixed capital formation
  32. Net lending
  33. Net production of electricity
  34. Net social contributions
  35. Netsurfer
  36. Net wealth
  37. Network head company
  38. Network in services
  39. New orders index by value
  40. New vehicle registrations
  41. Nitrates
  42. Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics / NUTS
  43. Nomenclatures fonctionnelles
  44. Nominal and real effective exchange rates
  45. Non-accredited hotels
  46. Non-financial companies
  47. Non-financial market services
  48. Non-life insurance claims
  49. Non-market output / Non-market production
  50. Non-market services
  51. Non-profit institutions serving households / Secteur des institutions sans but lucratif au service des ménages / NPISHs
  52. Non residents
  53. Non-salaried employment
  54. Non-standard working hours / Non-standard working hours as defined by the Employment survey
  55. Non-tenured personnel
  56. North American Industry Classification System / NAICS
  57. North Sea states
  58. Number of consumer units in the tax household
  59. Number of habitable rooms
  60. Number of persons in the tax household
  61. Numerus clausus


  1. Paid working hours (annual)
  2. Parity and equality between women and men
  3. Part-time
  4. Part time employment rate
  5. Passenger-kilometre
  6. Patent
  7. Penal institution
  8. Penal servitude
  9. Perinatal mortality
  10. Perinatal mortality rate
  11. Period in which construction was completed (population census)
  12. Periphery
  13. Permanent Equipment Database / PED
  14. Personalized autonomy allowance
  15. Personal training leave / CIF
  16. Person charged
  17. Pesticides
  18. Place of work
  19. Plough lands
  20. PM10 and PM2.5 particles
  21. Police court
  22. Population
  23. Population census
  24. Population counted apart
  25. Population not in education
  26. Population projection
  27. Population pyramid
  28. Population without double counting (1999 census)
  29. Positive discrimination of school policy
  30. Post and telecommunication services
  31. Post-neonatal mortality
  32. Post of work
  33. Poverty gap
  34. Precautionary biomass
  35. Pre-engaged expenditure
  36. Premature mortality rate
  37. Pre-tax profit / loss
  38. Pre-trial detention
  39. Price indices for old housing stock
  40. Primary education
  41. Primary electricity
  42. Primary energy
  43. Primary income
  44. Primary sector
  45. Primitive budget
  46. Principal activity
  47. Priority Neighbourhoods
  48. Prisoner
  49. Prison population
  50. Private education
  51. Private landlords
  52. Private road transport
  53. Probation
  54. Procedure for immediate appearance before the court for minors
  55. PRODCOM Survey
  56. PRODFRA / French Production
  57. Producer cost indices for construction
  58. Producer price index / PPI
  59. Production (national accounts) / Output
  60. Production at basic price (agriculture)
  61. Production capacity usage rate
  62. Production excluding subsidies (agriculture)
  63. Productivity
  64. Productivity of resources
  65. Product of the manufacturing industry
  66. Products of the european community
  67. Professional Bachelor’s degree
  68. Professional certificates
  69. Professional fishing
  70. Professionalisation contract
  71. Profiling a group of companies
  72. Profitability
  73. Profit or loss for the year
  74. Property tort
  75. Prosecuting Chamber
  76. Protection of species
  77. Protection of the environment
  78. Proved reserves
  79. Provincial France
  80. Provisional central product classification
  81. Pseudo-canton
  82. Public deficit (national accounts)
  83. Public deficit and public debt ratios
  84. Public development aid / APD
  85. Public expenditure
  86. Public intercommunal cooperation establishment / EPCI
  87. Public landlords
  88. Public or ministerial officer
  89. Public prosecutor's office
  90. Public research sector
  91. Public-sector firm
  92. Public-sector SIRENE
  93. Public statistical department / SSP
  94. Public statistics
  95. Public sub-group
  96. Purchaser's prices
  97. Purchasing power of currency
  98. Purchasing power of wages
  99. Purchasing power parity / PPP / PPP
  100. Purchasing power standard


  1. S80 / S20 ratio
  2. Safety measure
  3. Sailors (employment)
  4. Salaried employment
  5. Sales area
  6. Sandwich contract
  7. Sanitary facility (census survey)
  8. Satellite account
  9. Satisfaction in life
  10. Saving rate
  11. Saving rate (local finances)
  12. Savings (national accounts)
  13. Scanner data
  14. School-leavers with a low level of education
  15. Scout centres (minors)
  16. Seasonal adjustment
  17. Secondary activity
  18. Secondary education
  19. Secondary energy
  20. Secondary sector
  21. Second home
  22. Section d'enseignement général et professionnel adapté / SEGPA
  23. Secure custody (justice)
  24. Self-employed or independent
  25. Self-financing rate
  26. Self-financing rate (business statistics)
  27. Sensitive urban zone / ZUS
  28. Services
  29. Services to individuals
  30. Share of long-term unemployment
  31. Share of other income in the taxable income of households
  32. Share of pay and wages in the taxable income of households
  33. Share of pensions and annuities in the taxable income of households
  34. Share of profit in the taxable income of households
  35. Share of taxed households
  36. Short-term economic indicator
  37. Single electoral register
  38. Single employee delegation
  39. Siren number
  40. Siret number
  41. Slack work
  42. Small and medium enterprises / SME
  43. Small claims court
  44. Small Industrial Business Survey / EPEI
  45. Social assistance for accommodation
  46. Social benefits (national accounts)
  47. Social benefits (or social transfers)
  48. Social benefits other than social transfers in kinds
  49. Social Debt Repayment Contribution / CRDS
  50. Social rental market
  51. Social sector housing
  52. Social Security ceiling wage
  53. Social transfers in kind
  54. Sole proprietorship
  55. Sole proprietorship (national accounts)
  56. Solidarity allowance for the elderly
  57. Special court
  58. Specific Solidarity Allowance
  59. Spontaneous labour force
  60. Sports centre
  61. Sports federation
  62. Sports licence
  63. Sportspeople recognised by the Ministry
  64. Standard deviation
  65. Standard gross margin / SGM
  66. Standard gross production / SGP
  67. Standardised mortality index
  68. Standard of living
  69. State civil service
  70. State-convention moderate rent housing
  71. State debt
  72. Statistical block
  73. Statistical block database
  74. Statistical classification of products by activity in the EEC
  75. Statistical unit
  76. Statutory minimum
  77. Stay
  78. Still birth
  79. Structural indicator
  80. Structuring effect
  81. Student
  82. Student (population census)
  83. Subcontracting (industrial)
  84. Subsidiary corporation
  85. Subsidised contract
  86. Suburb
  87. Suburban municipality
  88. Summary economic classification / NES
  89. Supermarket
  90. Supplementary invalidity allowance
  91. Supplementary old-age allowance
  92. Survival table
  93. Suspension
  94. Sustainable development
  95. System for Information on Civil Servants


  1. Tangible investments
  2. Taxable income
  3. Tax at source
  4. Tax domicile
  5. Taxes less subsidies on products
  6. Taxes on income
  7. Tax household
  8. Tax income
  9. Taxon
  10. Tax system for micro-enterprises
  11. Temporary employment
  12. Temporary work contract (temporary work assignment)
  13. Tenured personnel
  14. Terms of trade
  15. Territorial authority
  16. Territorial correction
  17. territorial public service
  18. Tertiary Activities Rent Index / TARI
  19. Tertiary education
  20. Tertiary sector
  21. The cohort-size free retirement age
  22. The French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT)
  23. The general electoral roll
  24. The National Institute for Health Education and Illness Prevention / INPES / Inpes
  25. The penitentiary service for integration and probation / SPIP
  26. The REPONSE survey
  27. The turnover index for wholesale companies and miscellaneous services to enterprises
  28. Time series
  29. Tonne-kilometre
  30. Ton of oil equivalent / toe
  31. Total charges related to operation of the main residence
  32. Total domestic debt / EIT
  33. Total employment
  34. Total fertility rate
  35. Total financial charge borne by households for the occupation of their main residence
  36. Total general government liabilities (national accounts)
  37. Total healthcare expenditure
  38. Total period divorce rate
  39. Total period marriage rate
  40. Total population
  41. Total population (national accounts)
  42. Total primary energy consumption
  43. Total tax burden
  44. Tourism
  45. Tourist collective accommodation / Tourist accommodation
  46. Tourist hotels
  47. Tourist residence
  48. Trade
  49. Trademark
  50. Trading group
  51. Training speciality classification
  52. Transfers received (local finances)
  53. Transient pitch
  54. Transport and warehousing
  55. Transported passenger
  56. Travel
  57. Trip
  58. Turnover
  59. Turnover index
  60. Turnover index for enterprises in the retail and personal services sectors
  61. Turnover index for industry and construction
  62. Type of construction (census survey)
  63. Type of construction specific to French overseas departments (census survey)
  64. Type of family
  65. Type of Farming / TF