With the adoption of NAF rev.2 (the revised French classification of activities of January 1st 2008), the composite economic classification (NES) associated with NAF rev.1 disappeared in its previous form. In practice, this strictly French classification scheme did not allow for international comparisons as it did not fit into the general framework provided by the ISIC and NACE systems.
NAF rev.2 includes two aggregate ‘standard’ levels: sections and divisions, containing 21 and 88 items respectively. These levels are common to the ISIC rev. 4 international classification of activities, the European NACE rev.2 classification and NAF rev.2.
It was nonetheless necessary to create some additional grouping levels in order to meet the requirements of economic analysis and publication of composite data.
Seven aggregation levels are therefore associated with NAF rev.2, labelled ‘A xx’, where xx represents the number of items within the level. Together they represent the aggregate classification:
· A 10: international level, grouping of sections;
· A 17: French intermediate level between levels A10 and A38;
At the sections level (A 21), the manufacturing industry covers 5 items and, in contrast, certain service activities are grouped together.
· A 21: sections, standard level of the NAF rev.2 system;
· A 38: international intermediate level between sections and divisions;
· A 64: European level, intermediate between levels A 38 and A 88 (divisions), provisional;
· A 88: divisions, standard level of the NAF rev.2 system;
· A 129: French intermediate level between divisions (level A 88) and groups.