Expenditure to protect the environment


Dernière mise à jour le :13/10/2016


Environmental protection activities primarily result from the application of environmental rules and standards. The national and European regulations set the minimum level required by public authorities in order to protect the environment and guarantee related benefits, including in terms of health.

Expenditure to protect the environment measures the financial effort that various agents devote to the prevention, reduction or elimination of environmental damage.

It includes the following areas:

  • the protection of the ambient air and the climate;
  • the management of wastewater;
  • waste treatment and collection (including radioactive waste of low activity, the composting, the cleaning and the sweeping of the public road network ;
  • the protection and the purification of the ground, the subterranean waters and the waters of surface;
  • the fight against noise and the vibrations (with the exception of the protection of workplaces);
  • the protection of biodiversity and landscapes;
  • the protection against radiations (with the exception of the national security);
  • research and development relating to the environment;
  • other activities of environmental protection, among which the general administration and the management of environment.

The activities of management and use of the resources are not include in this expense. Likewise, measures in favour of energy control or the development of renewable energies, recovery, recycling activities, are not taken into account in the expenditure to protect environment.


Source: SOeS (site : http://www.statistiques.developpement-durable.gouv.fr)