ACEMO survey / Labour Activity and Employment Conditions survey / ACEMO


Dernière mise à jour le :13/10/2016


The ACEMO (Labour Activity and Employment Conditions) survey is conducted by the Research, Studies and Statistics Department (DARES) of the Ministry for Labour.

This quarterly survey aims of measuring the cyclical evolution of employment in terms of payment and working week in the competitive sector except agriculture. It is conducted among companies with more than 10 employees: approximately 34 000 establishments in metropolitan France.

It allows in particular to calculate three main indications: the worker and employee basic hourly wage (SHBOE) used to index link the minimum wage (SMIC), the monthly basic wage (SMB) which reflects the average variation of wages except bonuses and extra hours and the index of hourly cost for all employee (ICHT-TS) which reflects the evolution of wages and national insurance contributions.