Forest property includes two groups depending on whether or not it comes under the forest regime. Outside of the forest regime proper (i.e. forests managed by the National Forestry Commission) there are special management and supervisory systems governing certain private forests. The best known system is the "Simple Management Plan" applicable to all private forests with an uninterrupted area exceeding a threshold set by a local government decree (25 hectares in the majority of French departments).
The national forestry inventory (IFN) provides information on the breakdown by species, by type of stand and by type of forest, on the resources, the quantity of timber available and on the biological production of the forests.
Information on the structure of private forests and their mode of management is available from the survey on the structure of privately owned forests (SPF) published in 1999 and in 2012 by the Ministry of Agriculture.
Source : service de la statistique et de la prospective (SSP), ministère chargé de l'agriculture (site : http://agreste.agriculture.gouv.fr)