Priority Neighbourhoods


Dernière mise à jour le :17/09/2024


The Priority Neighbourhoods are a priority geography of urban policy carried out by the government and local authorities and established by the planning law for urban affairs and urban cohesion of 21 February 2014, with the common goal of reducing development disparities between these neighbourhoods and their urban unity. Their list and outlines were drawn up by the General Commissariat for Territorial Equality (CGET), which became the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) on January 1st 2020.

In metropolitan France and for Reunion Island and Martinique, the method was based on concentrations of low-income populations. These data, produced by Insee, were statistics geographically referenced to a system of squared grid cells (source Social and fiscal localized income in metropolitan France, 2011 fiscal localized income for Reunion Island and Martinique). On the other overseas territories of France, the priority neighbourhoods were defined using mostly identical socio-demographic indicators from the population census at the level of sub-communal divisions. Once these neighbourhoods defined, discussions took place at the local level to adjust their shape and ensure their geographical consistency.

The priority neighbourhoods are defined by the decree n° 2024-806 of July 13th 2024 for metropolitan France and by the decree n° 2015-1138 of September 14th 2015 for overseas territories of France. On January 1st 2024, there are 1 362 priority neighbourhoods in metropolitan France, 140 in the overseas departments, 76 in French Polynesia and 2 in Saint Martin.


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