The quality policy and strategy of the official statistical service

Dernière mise à jour le : 28/02/2023

The 3 levels of quality implementation in the Official Statistical Service

The implementation of the quality of the official statistical service (SSP) is based on 3 levels:

  • a quality policy : “integrating quality into processes, with the aim of securing and improving efficiency”.
  • a strategy quality defines the route for achieving the objective set by the quality policy. It is also part of the continuous improvement commitment and is based on guidelines (axis and themes)
  • roadmaps, which translate the axis and themes of the quality strategy into operational actions.

Quality policy

Following the 2nd European Peer Review, the SSP has defined its quality policy:

“integrating quality into processes, with the aim of securing and improving efficiency”.

To establish quality as a permanent feature of its activities, the SSP operates on a continuous improvement model, adapting them to technical, organisational and institutional progress and advances while ensuring that they comply with the principles and indicators of the European Statistics Code of Practice.

The quality strategy

The quality strategy defines the route for achieving the objective set by the quality policy. Following the third European Peer Review, a new quality strategy has been established and validated by the SSP (INSEE and ministerial statistical offices) for 2022-2027. This strategy is based on guidelines structured around four non-hierarchical axis, themselves divided into 16 themes.


For INSEE and each ministerial statistical office, roadmaps set out operational actions for the axes and themes of the quality strategy. These are actions resulting from the European action plan following the recommendations of peers during the 3rd review, actions built collectively by several SSP entities or actions specific to the entity concerned.