Capital transfer receivable/payable


Dernière mise à jour le :22/09/2021


Capital transfers (D9) require the acquisition or disposal of an asset, or assets, by at least one of the parties to the transaction. Whether made in cash or in kind, they result in a commensurate change in the financial, or non-financial, assets shown in the balance sheets of one or both parties to the transaction.

A capital transfer in kind consists of the transfer of ownership of an asset (other than inventories and cash), or the cancellation of a liability by a creditor, without any counterpart being received in return.

A capital transfer in cash consists of the transfer of cash that the first party has raised by disposing of an asset, or assets (other than inventories), or that the second party is expected, or required, to use for the acquisition of an asset, or assets (other than inventories). The second party, the recipient, is obliged to use the cash to acquire an asset, or assets, as a condition on which the transfer is made.

Capital transfers include capital taxes (D91), investment grants (D92) and other capital transfers (D99).