There are several types of financing arrangements declared when a programme enters the low-cost housing (HLM) stock :
- PLR/PSR : reduced-rent programme and social rehousing programme ;
- HLM-O: ordinary low-cost housing ;
- ILM/ILN: medium-rent building and normal-rent building ;
- Very social PLA : subsidised loan for "very social" low-cost housing without any obligation of works ; this type of housing loan is reserved for the most underprivileged ;
- PLS/PLA CDC/CFF: subsidised loan for social housing whereby the lending institution is the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and subsidised loan for social housing whereby the lending institution is the Crédit Foncier de France ;
- PLI: intermediate loan for low-cost housing ;
- PAP and housing PC: loan for the purchase of housing, and agreed housing loan.