The educational collective hosting of minors, without accommodation, covers leisure hosting and youth hosting:
a. Leisure hosting (previously called "leisure centre" or activity centre), outside of a family, of 7 to 300 minors for at least 14 days, consecutive or otherwise, during the same year in the extra-curricular time for a minimum duration of two hours per day. It is characterised by the regular attendance of enrolled minors to whom it offers a variety of organised activities ;
b. The hosting of young people, outside of a family, with 7 to 40 minors aged 14 or older for at least 14 days, consecutive or otherwise, during the same year and meeting a particular social need set out in the educational project.
Source : mission Enquêtes, Données et Études Statistiques (MEDES), service statistique ministériel en charge de la jeunesse et des sports (site : https://injep.fr/mesurer/)