Educational collective hosting of minors, is intended for children and young people of school age, therefore aged 3 to 17 inclusive, outside school hours. A distinction is made between hosting without accommodation, which takes place mainly within leisure hosting, or more marginally within hosting for young people, hosting with accommodation such as "holiday camps".
Scouting hosting is accounted for separately, because of an activity that can take place with or without accommodation, specific regulations and a specific reporting method that results.
Collective hosting of minors is characterized by:
- An educational and pedagogical project ;
- A reception area intended to allow minors to practice educational leisure and relaxation activities;
- An organizer (legal person or natural person).
They are regulated by the ministry in charge of youth (article L227-1 to L227-12 of the code of social action and families) and are supervised by qualified personnel.
Until August 31, 2006, they were divided into the following three categories: leisure centres, holiday centers and holiday placements.
Source : mission Enquêtes, Données et Études Statistiques (MEDES), service statistique ministériel en charge de la jeunesse et des sports (site : https://injep.fr/mesurer/)