Balance of gross primary incomes / Gross national income (GNI)


Dernière mise à jour le :13/09/2021


The balance of gross primary incomes (B5g) is, for a unit or for an institutional sector, the total value of gross primary income receivable, less the total gross primary income payable. At the level of the whole economy, it is "gross national income" (GNI).

Primary income includes property income and income derived from the contribution to production before any redistribution and before any tax or social levy.

The gross primary income balance (B.5g) is the accounting balance of the allocation of primary income account. The resources of the allocation of primary income account include the gross operating surplus (primary income from productive activity), labor remuneration for households, taxes on production and imports net of subsidies for general government and property income (for all sectors). The uses of the allocation of primary income account include property income paid to other agents.

Gross national income, or GNI, is the sum of the gross primary incomes of residents of an economy over a given period. It is equal to the GDP, minus the primary incomes payable by resident units to non-resident units and increased by the primary incomes receivable from the rest of the world. (i.e. net income paid abroad for compensation of employees, property and net taxes and subsidies on production).


Gross national income or GNI is the indicator on which the calculation of the largest share of the contribution of EU countries to the EU budget is based.