

Dernière mise à jour le :26/11/2019


The “Maîtrise” is an old national university diploma delivering a fourth year of higher education.

Before the implementation of the three-cycle system (bachelor/master/doctorate), this one year long training was opened with a “Licence” diploma or equivalent. Since its implementation (2003-2006), students having a “Licence” diploma or equivalent can continue theirs studies in order to get a Master diploma whose training proceeds in four semesters. However, it is still possible, for the universities accredited for Master diploma awarding, to offer, at the intermediate level (M1), the national “Maîtrise” diploma, in the specific training field, once the student has completed his two first semesters.


This second cycle degree was therefore classified at the level II in the French classification of education levels and at level 6 in the international standard one (ISCED 2011).