The indices of industrial production and import prices reflect the changes in transaction costs of goods and services produced by French industry and sold on the domestic or export markets, or produced by foreign industry and imported to the French market.
These indices allow economists to evaluate and analyse short-term trends, provide national accounts authorities with a method of assessing the growth in the volume of gross domestic product (GDP), and give businesses the chance to index-link their contracts and measure their competitiveness against that of their competitors etc.
The indices of industrial production and import prices include 4 principal indicators:
- the index of industrial production prices for the French market;
- the index of industrial production prices for foreign markets;
- the index of industrial production prices for all markets (combination of the previous two indices);
- the index of import prices for industrial products.
The indices of industrial production and import prices are expressed with reference to the second revision of the French product classification of 2008(CPF rev. 2), with 2005 the base and reference.
The indices are calculated on the basis of monthly price checks conducted on some 26,000 products selected from a representative sample of around 4,000 businesses surveyed as part of the Industrial Prices and Corporate Services Observation Survey.