Official Statistics
Law no. 51-711 of 7 June 1951 (amended) on legal obligation, coordination and confidentiality in the field of statistics is the basic legislation on official statistics.

The design, production and dissemination of official statistics are conducted with full professional independence by the official statistical system, and by producers approved by the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS) or the Official Statistics Authority (ASP).
Legislative and institutional framework
The Official Statistics Authority (ASP), the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS)
Official Statistical System
INSEE and the Ministerial Statistical Departments (SSM)
Statistical confidentiality
Legislation and regulations on professional confidentiality and the obligation of discretion
Personal data protection
INSEE's compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Access to data
What data, and who are these data aimed at ?
The term "official statistics" includes all material generated by statistical surveys, as specified in the list determined every year in a ruling by the Ministry for the Economy, and the use of data collected by government administrations, public or private bodies with a public service role for purposes of general information.