To combat climate change, two major agreements were adopted at international level: the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) adopted in 1992 in Rio, and the Kyoto Protocol adopted in 1997.
At the Earth Summit in Rio, the UNFCCC provided for a conference with the parties each year. The aim is to stabilise the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level preventing any serious disruption of the climate for mankind. For the industrialised countries, the objective was to stabilise, by the year 2000, the emission of greenhouse gases at the level of 1990. In this objective, the contribution of France consists in mastering its emissions over the period.
The 3rd conference in Kyoto resulted in the adoption of the so-called "Kyoto Protocol" which came into effect on February 16, 2005. Certain countries which signed it have set quantitative objectives. For the period 2008-2012, the industrialised countries have made a commitment to reduce their emissions of the main greenhouses gases by 5.2% in relation to their level in 1990.
The Kyoto Protocol was ratified in 2002 by the European Union which has a joint objective for an 8% reduction of greenhouse gases.
Source: SOeS (site : http://www.statistiques.developpement-durable.gouv.fr)