SDMX service web

Dernière mise à jour le : 06/02/2025


This REST web service is free of charge and allows to access the information provided in the BDM. It meets the Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletSDMX standards, version 2.1.

Starter kit (pdf, 95 Ko )

Detailed user guide (pdf, 540 Ko )


In order to retrieve data easily for exploiting them with different statistical softwares (SAS, R, Excel...), a tool is shared and freely available here: Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletSdmx Connectors. It is configured to request several datasources provided by national and international organisations.

Simplified access to data by idbank

Data and characteristics for up to 400 series can be quickly retrieved using their unique identifier (idbank). This feature requires to get the series idbank from the website.

URL syntax: /data/SERIES_BDM/idbanks?paramètres with [idbanks] as a list of identifiers separated by "+".

The optional parameters are used to limit the amount of data sent back for each series:

  • startPeriod: beginning of the reporting period (2012-Q3, 1998-07);
  • lastNObservations: limit to the n most recent values (exemple);
  • detail: only provides a part of the dataset (dataonly, nodata);
  • includeHistory: boolean to obtain the history of the values;
  • updatedAfter: date to reduce the displayed history depth.

Access to data by thematic group of series

This feature allows to get data for a set of series with similar characteristics. Several hundred thematic groups are defined, the list can be retrieved here.

URL syntax: /data/dataflow/clé?paramètres with [dataflow] being the identifier of the requested group.

It is advised to limit the amount of data sent back by using:

  • the parameters described above
  • the [key] part which allows to specify for each dimension (separated by ".") the chosen items (separated by "+")

For example, for the dataflow IPI-2010 (Industry Production price indices) with nine dimensions (six mandatory and NAF2, AUTRES_REGROUPEMENTS, BASIND). The key could be as follow:

The correspondence as of 06/02/2025 for each time serie between its identifier idbank and its dimensions is provided in the file correspondance_idbank_dimension.csv. The complete description of dimensions and codes is available in the file liste_variables_modalites.csv.

RSS feed

The data updates occurred in the last 30 days for group of series are listed in a RSS feed: /rss/donnees.

When modifications are made to the data structure (addition of series or variables), this information is transferred to the page History of news.