

Dernière mise à jour le :07/01/2025


The Master's degree is a national university degree of the second cycle whose training takes place in four semesters after the bachelor's degree or the equivalent.

The two years are called master 1 and master 2. This diploma constitutes the second degree of the three-cycle system (bachelor/master/doctorate). From 2002 to 2014, these masters were shared between professional ones and research ones. Since then, the implementation of the new national framework for trainings leads up to no longer distinguish them. The Master’s degree is granted to engineering degrees and other diplomas awarded by notably the “écoles normales supérieures” (higher teacher training schools), the business schools, Architecture or Art schools. This degree allows access to doctorate degree studies.


This second cycle degree is therefore classified at the level 7 in the national framework for professional qualifications and in the international standard one (ISCED 2011).