Plan du site All pages of INSEE and official statistics section
- Statistical confidentiality
- Pan-African Statistics Programme II - Developing social statistics in African national statistical offices (SOCSTAF)
- Number of employees in the Official Statistical System at 1st January 2024
- Registration to ACN (or address change)
- Activity Reports
- Health and Solidarity
- Regular module of French LFS 2025
- Implementing the SILC 2025 ad hoc module on Energy and environment
- Managing registers : BRPP and Sirene
- Papers related to the 15th conference - Association de Comptabilité Nationale
- Executive Board of the Association de Comptabilité Nationale - Contacts
- Conducting the population census
- The legal basis of European statistical governance
- Ministerial Statistical Offices
- Personnel categories
- The women and men at INSEE
- Local Authorities
- Insee Méthodes
- The Official Statistics Authority (ASP)
- The Group of National Economics and Statistics Schools (GENES)
- Papers related to the 9th conference - Association de Comptabilité Nationale
- Insee Résultats
- Insee Conjoncture
- Insee Analyses
- The national publications
- Justice
- Official Statistical System
- Economic Studies and National Accounts Directorate (DESE)
- Business Statistics Directorate (DSE)
- Dissemination and Regional Action Directorate (DDAR)
- Demographic and Social Statistics Directorate (DSDS)
- INSEE Head Office, access map
- INSEE's territorial organisation
- Law n° 46-854 of 27 April 1946
- INSEE Training Centre in Libourne (CEFIL)
- Careers
- Jean-Luc Tavernier, Director-General of INSEE
- Working at INSEE
- Brief history
- Education
- Internal Security
- Getting to know INSEE
- Ethnic-based statistics
- Seminars and conferences
- Official Statistics
- Two years after the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi report
- Access to data
- Data catalog - Beta version
- 16th Conference of the Association de Comptabilité Nationale
- Location of INSEE establishments
- Papers related to the 12th conference - Association de Comptabilité Nationale
- Papers related to the 14th conference - Association de Comptabilité Nationale
- Papers related to the 13th conference - Association de Comptabilité Nationale
- Papers related to the 10th conference - Association de Comptabilité Nationale
- INSEE's activities
- INSEE and official statistics
- International Technical Support, information newsletter
- The National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS)
- The journal Statéco
- Internal Audit Unit
- General Secretariat
- Methodology, Statistical Coordination and International Relations Directorate (DMCSI)
- Labour
- Implementing the SILC 2024 6-yearly module and collecting infra-annual variables on living condition
- Trusted Smart Statistics: methodological developments based on new data sources
- The INSEE budget
- Association de Comptabilité Nationale and its conferences
- Satisfaction surveys
- Providing details about the productive system
- Improving the quality of the French national accounts
- Producing short-term diagnoses
- Disseminating its statistics and studies
- Observation of the society
- Improving its methods and assessing quality
- Describing and analysing regions and territories
- Legislative framework for INSEE and official statistics
- Calls for Papers - Archives
- Producers of European statistics in France
- The framework regulations and sectoral regulations
- The development of European statistics
- Insee Focus
- Insee Première
- Insee Références
- Documents de travail
- Registers, micro-data linking and MNEs in business statistics
- Improving French Indices of Consumer Prices
- One-Stop-Shop For Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for Official Statistics AIML4OS
- Culture
- Information System Directorate (DSI)
- List of completed projects
- Rules for dissemination of statistical indicators and publications
- Rules for dissemination of INSEE statistical indicators under embargo and restrictions on privileged access
- Population and housing census: geo referenced data
- Smart Surveys 2019-2021
- Big Data II
- Contributing to the development of European and international statistics
- Trusted Smart Statistics - Web Intelligence Network
- Statistical methods and tools for time series, seasonal adjustment and statistical disclosure control
- Geospatial statistics
- Use of new data sources in the French HICP
- Designing, testing and collecting the SILC 2021 ad hoc subject module
- List of completed projects
- Data collection for City and subnational Statistics
- Quality improvement and breaks in times series exercise for the LFS in view of the entry into force of the new IESS regulation
- Projects funded by Eurostat within the framework of the European Statistical System
- Partner websites
- Recurring projects
- Immigration
- External Trade
- Energy, Housing, Transport and the Environment
- Smart Survey Implementation
- Security of website
- Higher Education and Research
- Feasibility project on update of National Accounts Standards
- Access to administrative documents
- Legislative and institutional framework
- Defence
- Personal data protection
- Public Finances
- Agriculture and Food
- Civil Service
- Youth and Sport
- INTERSTAT - Open Statistical Data interoperability framework
- Global Value Chains and Multinational Enterprises in Business Statistics
- Pan-African Statistics Programme II - Developing economic and business statistics in African national statistical offices (ECOBUSAF)
- Head Office Organisation chart
- Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics