Registers, micro-data linking and MNEs in business statistics
Date de début : 01/01/2024 – Date de fin : 31/12/2024
European profiling is a partnership between European NSAs aiming at better understanding large Multi-National Enterprise Groups (MNEs) structures, economic organizations and at defining enterprises within these groups. So far, European profiling focused on the need for increasing the data quality of the largest and most important MNEs in national Statistical Business Registers and in the EuroGroups Register. Thus,with European profiling all NSAs have a common methodology to delineate the groups' structures, their characteristics and their enterprises. European profiling would henceforward gear toward a more central role in globalization analysis and assessment. Thus,European profiling could better serve broader business statistical users and improve their data quality, such as GNI domain.In this respect, Insee applies to the present 2023 GA for areas 1 and 2 targeting the following objectives:
- Strengthen and broaden the use of European profiling in Insee and relations with other NSAs when cross-border information is necessary ;
- Ensure accurate understanding of the global economic structures which are present in France, as GDC or not ;
- Develop cooperation with national clients, for example with national accounts or macroeconomic statistics and studies, in relation with MNEs impact on economy ;
- Increase the quality of the french business register and consequently the EGR ;
- Concerning relevant events of restructuring, streghten statistical processes linking NSBR, EGR and LCU under a more systematic approach of MNEs.