Trusted Smart Statistics - Web Intelligence Network TSS-WIN

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 14/06/2021

Project coordinator and Co-Partners:

Coordinator: Poland
Co-Partners: France (Insee), France (Dares), Bulgaria, Finland, Germany (SSI-BBB), Germany (Destatis), Germany (HSL), Austria, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Switzerland
Start date: 01/04/2021 – End date: 31/03/2025


Establishment and promotion of a knowledge-sharing network organised around a “Web Intelligence Hub” (WIH) platform dedicated to acquiring data on the web (via web scraping, use of APIs, etc.).

The WIN should:

  • guarantee the development, documentation and maintenance of methods and tools associated with the WIH so as to promote their use by producers of European statistics;
  • assist the ESS in the provision and implementation of services for the WIH;
  • ensure that new developments are made in a modular fashion and in line with good architectural practices.

Distribution of work

INSEE’s contribution to the project is organised around two themes:

  • developing a WIH use case in property advertisements;
  • defining the architecture of the WIH and associated services.

The planned activities are grouped in 4 work packages, linked to specific objectives, deadlines and results. INSEE is involved in 2 work packages: WP3 and WP4:

  • Work package 1: Coordination, support and dissemination;
  • Work package 2: OJA and OBEC software;
  • Work package 3: New use-cases;
  • Work package 4: Methodology and Quality.