Papers related to the 12th conference - Association de Comptabilité Nationale
Paris the 4, 5 and 6 of June 2008
Session 1: Beyond GDP, searching for composite indicators - Taking into account different aspects of well-being
Chairperson: Enrico Giovannini, chef statisticien de l'OCDE
- « Commission Stiglitz »: what is going on?
Jean-Etienne Chapron (INSEE - rapporteur général)
Abstract (pdf, 8 Ko )
- Measuring living standards: income equivalence and other approaches
Marc Fleurbaey (Université de Paris 5, CNRS)
Abstract (pdf, 43 Ko )
- Looking for well-being : What can we learn from subjective satisfaction?
Vincent Marcus (INSEE - Département des études économiques d'ensemble)
Abstract (pdf, 19 Ko )
- Measuring well-being and its evolution in France: An empirical approach based on individual data
Cédric Afsa Essafi (INSEE - Département des études économiques d'ensemble)
Abstract (pdf, 19 Ko )
Session 2: The 2008 update of the SNA 1993
Chairperson: Gérard Klotz, Université Lyon II et Institut des sciences humaines, UMR Triangle CNRS
- The 2008 update of the SNA 1993: Organisation and timetable
Paul Schreyer (OCDE)
- The 2008 update of the SNA 1993: Main changes and discussed issues
Jacques Magniez (INSEE)
Abstract (pdf, 11 Ko )
- Comment
André Vanoli (Chairman of the ACN)
Abstract (pdf, 12 Ko )
- The revision from a financial point of view
Dominique Durant (Banque de France)
- SNA 2023: Long-term research agenda
François Lequiller (INSEE)
Abstract (pdf, 10 Ko )
Session 3: Beyond GDP, searching for composite indicators - Taking into account environment and sustainable development
Chairperson: Roger Guesnerie, Collège de France
- What are Public Statistics doing in the field of sustainable development?
Laurent Gasnier, Sylvie Le Laidier (INSEE - Département des comptes nationaux)
Abstract (pdf, 12 Ko )
- Accounting for Ecosystems and their Services
Jean-Louis Weber (Agence européenne pour l'environnement)
Abstract (pdf, 19 Ko )
- The concept of genuine saving and the measure of sustainable development
Antoine de Masson d'Autume, Katheline Schubert (Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Abstract (pdf, 11 Ko )
- Potentialities and limits of an approach in terms of sustainable development indicators ?
Michel David (Institut français de l'environnement IFEN)
Abstract (pdf, 19 Ko )
Session 4: Globalisation, statistics and National Accounts
Chairperson: Henri Sterdyniak, OFCE
- Globalisation: A Challenge for National Statistics and National Accounts
Peter Van de Ven (CBS, Pays-Bas)
Abstract (pdf, 18 Ko )
Text (pdf, 70 Ko )
- SNA, globalisation and the trouble with services
William Cave (OCDE, Paris)
Abstract (pdf, 9 Ko )
- New global industrial economy, international trade and value added: Statistical and accounting implications
Hubert Escaith, Organisation Mondiale du Commerce
Abstract (pdf, 11 Ko )
- Globalisation and the measure of property income between France and the rest of the world: The case for dividends
Marc-Alain Bahuchet et Pierre Sicsic (Banque de France)
Abstract (pdf, 12 Ko )
Session 5: Macro-economic Modeling and National Accounts
Chairperson: Jacques Mairesse, Crest
- Statistical treatment of national account data and economic analysis
Stéphane Gregoir (EDHEC, France)
Abstract (pdf, 14 Ko )
- Trade modeling in the National Bank of France's forecasting model of the Euro zone economy: Why and how we separate intra- and extra-zone trade
Hélène Poncet, Nicolas Maggiar (Banque de France)
Abstract (pdf, 11 Ko )
- Building a "household-sub-categories accounting system" using French Micro and Macro statistics
Maryse Fesseau, Emilie Raynaud, Sylvie Le Laidier, Jacques Bournay (INSEE)
Abstract (pdf, 11 Ko )
- Estimating value added and employment generated by a particular industry within national accounts' framework : The case of health care in France
Charles Pilarski (INSEE), Alexandre Bourgeois (DREES)
Abstract (pdf, 12 Ko )