Statistical methods and tools for time series, seasonal adjustment and statistical disclosure control STACE
Project coordinator and Co-Partners:
Coordinator: Bulgaria
Co-Partners: France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Austria, Netherlands,
Island, National Bank of Belgium
Start date: 01/09/2020 – End date: 31/08/2024
To provide assistance and services for the ESS and the European System of Central
Banks in the areas of
time series analysis and data confidentiality. With this in mind, the STACE will
continue and build on the work performed
in recent years by several centres of excellence, as part of data confidentiality
and seasonal adjustment.
The STACE also has a key role to play in facilitating the dissemination of the
methods by guaranteeing that the software
tools are ready for production, by suggesting user tests, high-quality documentation
and new functionalities, and by
developing a sustainable model for maintaining and developing these tools over
the coming decade. Its key aim is to
develop a community of users, developers and statisticians. The project is composed
of 12 statistics institutes, and includes contributions from non-European institutes,
the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Canada, the IMF and the OECD.
New tools will be developed in areas such as flash estimates, temporal disaggregation
and others.
Distribution of work
The planned activities are grouped in 3 work packages, linked to specific objectives, deadlines and results:
- Work package 1: Global Management and Coordination;
- Work package 2: Centre of Excellence on Statistical Disclosure Control (CoE on SDC);
- Work package 3: Centre of Excellence on Time Series Analysis and Seasonal Adjustment (CoE on TSA).