Papers related to the 15th conference - Association de Comptabilité Nationale

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 11/12/2015

Session 1 - Environment - Relations Economy / Nature, Reference Framework

Wednesday, November 19, 2014, from 10 to 13

Organizer: André Vanoli, ACN

Président : Roger Guesnerie, Collège de France

  • The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting SEEA 2012

Gabriel Gagnon, Statistique Canada

Abstract (pdf, 10 Ko )

  • Economic evaluation of ecosystems and biodiversity - The project TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity)

Aude Neuville, Joint Research Center (CEE)

  • Non-financial reporting: stakes, questions, players

Dominique Ledouble, Ledouble SA

Abstract (pdf, 13 Ko )

  • The degradation of the natural assets by economic activities and the central framework of the national accounts

André Vanoli, Association de comptabilité nationale

Abstract (pdf, 11 Ko )

Session 2 - Environment - Relations Economy / Nature, Works in progress

Wednesday, November 19, 2014, from 14:30 to 18

Organizer: André Vanoli, ACN

Chair: André Vanoli, ACN

  • Estimation for France of the unpayed ecological costs: first researchs

Frederic Nauroy, Service de l'Observation et des Statistiques, MEDDE ; presently Eurostat

  • The project EFESE ("Évaluation française des écosystèmes et des services d'écosystèmes")

Philippe Puydarrieux, Service de l'Économie, de l'Évaluation et de l'intégration du Développement Durable, MEDDE

Abstract (pdf, 11 Ko )

  • The Natural Resource Index prepared by OECD

Pierre-Alain Pionnier, OECD

Abstract (pdf, 9 Ko )

Document (pdf, 460 Ko )

  • Simplified ecosystem capital accounts - state of works

Daniel Desaulty, Agence Européenne de l'Environnement

Abstract (pdf, 9 Ko )

Session 3 - Financial intermediaries and international financial interconnection

Thursday, November 20, 2014, from 9.30 to 13

Organizer: Dominique Durant, Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution - Banque de France

Chair: Dominique Durant, Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution - Banque de France

  • Implementation of the "legal entitity identifier" by the Financial stability board

Bertrand Couillault, Banque de France et Pierrette Schuhl, INSEE

Abstract (pdf, 10 Ko )

  • Stress tests in network for banks and insurances, in France and Europ

Jean-Cyprien Héam, Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution

Abstract (pdf, 16 Ko )

  • The Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey of the IMF

Emmanuel Gervais, Banque de France

Abstract (pdf, 12 Ko )

  • The Who-to-Whom tables in the French financial accounts

Franck Sédillot, Banque de France

Abstract (pdf, 19 Ko )

Session 4

Thursday, November 20, 2014, from 14:30 to 18

Organizer: Peter Van de Ven, OCDE

Chair: François Lequiller, OECD

Session 4 - First part - Globalisation

  • The guide for the measure of World Production - an overview

Michael Connolly. Bureau Central des Statistiques(CSO) Irlande

Abstract (pdf, 10 Ko )

  • Creating an Integrated Statistical Framework for Understanding Global Value Chains

Nadim Ahmad, OECD

Abstract (pdf, 12 Ko )

  • Enterprises, globalisation and the challenge for the National Accounts

Frédéric Boccara, INSEE

Abstract (pdf, 16 Ko )

Session 4 - Second part - The French national accounts according to the ESA 2010

  • Main results and how they were received

Ronan Mahieu, INSEE

Abstract (pdf, 15 Ko )

Presentation (pdf, 993 Ko )

Meeting of the Association

Session 5 - Wealth

Friday, November 21, 2014, fom 9:30 to 13

Organizer: Jacques Bournay, ACN

Chair: JP Milot, Ministère des Finances - CNoCP : Conseil de normalisation des comptes publics

  • The measurement of land on a country's balance sheet

Jennifer Ribarsky, OECD

Abstract (pdf, 10 Ko )

Text (pdf, 346 Ko )

Presentation (pdf, 526 Ko )

  • Intangibles : R&D, patents and other

Francis Malherbe, Consultant, ex-EUROSTAT

Abstract (pdf, 9 Ko )

  • Presentation of the HFCS (Household Finance and Consumption Survey): methodology, results

Jérome Coffinet, Frédérique Savignac, Banque de France

Abstract (pdf, 10 Ko )

  • Around the book by Thomas Piketty "Le capital au XXIe siècle"

Gabriel Zucman, London School of Economics

Abstract (pdf, 10 Ko )


Étienne Wasmer, Département d'économie de Sciences Po et LIEPP

Robert Boyer, Institut des Amériques

Text 3 (pdf, 248 Ko )