Smart Survey Implementation
Project coordinator and Co-Partners:
Coordinateur : Netherlands (CBS)
Partenaires : France (Insee), Germany (Destatis), Belgium (HBITS), Italy (Istat), Norway (SSB),
Belgium (StatBel), Germany (Universitaet Mannheim), Netherlands (Universiteit Utrecht),
Belgium (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Slovenia (SURS)
Start date : 01/05/2023 – End date : 30/04/2025
The project, called SSI (Smart Survey Integration), will aim at advancing innovative collection tools for household surveys (with in particular the use cases of the Family Budget and Time Use surveys).
Distribution of work
Even though INSEE will follow all the work carried out in the project, it will only actively contribute to the methodological part of this large-scale project, with many players. INSEE has committed itself to active participation on two points:
- the measurement of fashion effects between traditional and innovative tools, via the results of the tests on the booklet surveys;
- the testing of a micro service of ticket photography with automatic recognition of expenditure lines, which could complete an innovative tool that could be adopted for the next Family Budget survey.
The planned activities are grouped in 5 work packages, linked to specific objectives, deadlines and results. INSEE is involved in 2 work packages: WP2, WP4:
- Work package 1 : Coordination and integration;
- Work package 2 : Methodology;
- Work package 3 : Developing Smart Data Microservices;
- Work package 4 : Logistics
- Work package 4 : Legal.