Global Value Chains and Multinational Enterprises in Business Statistics
Start date : 01/01/2023 - End date : 31/12/2025
This European project aims to improve knowledge of the globalised economy, through the observation and analysis of global activity chains and large multinational companies.
Knowledge of global activity chains is based on the CAM survey in France, known as GVC at European level. The aim of the project is to develop the survey in order to better measure the phenomena of company location (relocation) and the impact on employment and its quality in the various countries. In addition to the evolution of the survey, the work will be used to test the matching of individual survey data with relevant administrative sources.
Understanding the globalised economy also requires the observation of economic flows at the right level, in particular at the level of large multinational enterprises. To this end, European profiling, which is based on a close partnership between the country where the decision-making centre is located and the other countries hosting the company's units, is essential for compiling the European directory of groups. This project, which promotes and deepens European profiling, generates benefits for the economic statistics of each participating country, for structural business statistics and for national accounts.