Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics

Aims and scope
Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics publishes articles covering any micro- or macro- economic or sociological topic, either using data from public statistics or other sources, as well as meta-analyses. The journal also publishes articles dedicated to statistical or econometric methods of interest for applied research in economics and social sciences. Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics, a journal of statisticians and economic and social researchers, is also aimed at contributing to the economic and social debate by providing analyses of high quality in their scientific approach and accessible to readers not necessarily specialists on the topics or methods implemented in articles.
The Scientific Committee, created in 2003, contributes to the definition of the journal’s editorial strategy
and yearly reviews the published issues.
Since 2013, an Advisory Editorial Board has assisted the Editor-in-Chief in finding reviewers and selecting articles.
Abstracting and Indexing
Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics is available on the French portal Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletPersée.
The journal is also indexed in Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletRepec and in the database Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletEconLit.
Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics is a category B journal in the Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletFrench National University Council (CNU) ranking of economics journals.
Title History and Identity
Économie et Statistique from N°1 (1969) to N°490 (2016)
Économie et Statistique/Economics and Statistics from N°491-492 (2017)
Frequency: Quarterly
Review Policy: Double blind peer review
Print and Online
Publisher: INSEE
Language of Publication: online edition in French and English, print edition in French
ISSN 0336-1454
e-ISSN 1777-5574

Latest Issue
544 (2024)
Browse Issues
All the issues and articles are available online:
- on the Insee website for issues published since September 2001;
- on the archive portal Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletPersée for earlier issues.

All the articles are published online simultaneously in French and in English. All issues are available on the Insee website at the moment of the publication and on a free basis. This immediate and free online access gives the articles a high visibility.
Manuscripts should be sent to the editorial team (, preferably in MS-Word format. The manuscript must be original work and not submitted at the same time to any other journal.
The standard length of an article is of about 10,000 words (including boxes if any, tables and figures, appendices, bibliography, but not counting online appendices if any). Manuscripts of more than 11,500 words will not be considered.
Submissions must include two separate files:
- A one-page file providing:
- the title of the article;
- the first name, name, affiliation-s (at most two), e-mail et postal addresses of each author;
- an abstract of maximum 140 words, briefly presenting the research question, data and methodology, and the main conclusions;
- JEL codes and a few keywords;
- acknowledgements if any.
- An anonymised manuscript (including the main text, illustrations, bibliography and appendices if any), mentioning only the title, abstract, JEL codes and keywords on the front page.
Proposals that meet the journal objectives are reviewed by two to three referees (double blind peer review).
Accepted Articles
Accepted articles may be subject to editorial work aimed at improving their readability and formal presentation. They have to be presented according to the guidelines for authors.
Calls for Papers
December 2024 - Call for papers for a special issue on productivity
Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics calls for manuscripts for a special issue on productivity. The aim is to shed light on the drivers and barriers to productivity (labour productivity or total factor productivity) at the national, European or international level.
Submissions are expected until 6th June 2025.
October 2024 - Call for papers for a special series of articles on employment and labour
Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics calls for manuscripts for a series of articles on employment and labour: working conditions and working hours; unemployment and the unemployment halo; evaluation of public policies on employment, unemployment and labour costs; climate transition and employment; demography, ageing, immigration and the labour market; attractiveness of occupations; returns to education; careers; innovation and employment; etc.
This list is not exhaustive. For each topic, the journal welcomes original contributions as well as reviews of the academic literature.
Submissions are expected until 31st March 2025.
The journal Economie et Statistique, published by Insee – the French National Statistics Institute – was founded in 1969. Initially monthly and aimed at disseminating the work of statisticians and researchers from the Institute, the journal is now widely open onto the contributions of researchers from other horizons and has evolved into an academic journal.
In 2017, Economie et Statistique became Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics. Since then, the online edition of the journal is published simultaneously in French and in English; the print edition has remained in French only.
Articles are published in the journal under the responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Insee or authors’ institutions.