Personnel categories
- INSEE administrators (category A)
- INSEE statisticians (category A)
- INSEE managers (category B)
- Administrative assistants (category C)
- Survey interviewers
INSEE administrators (category A)
They are responsible for the design, management and coordination of the official statistics information system. Most work at Head Office in Paris, but some are in Regional Offices and in Ministerial Statistical Departments. In addition, many have responsibilities in the different sectors of economic administration, public bodies, major national companies and banks.
Administrators are trained at Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletENSAE ParisTech, the National School of Statistics and Economic Administration.
This school is located in Malakoff, on the outskirts of Paris, close to the ring road, and the course lasts 3 years.
INSEE statisticians (category A)
They are responsible for activities such as the design of studies for statistical production, supervision of the production analysis and dissemination of results to INSEE. They work either in Head Office in Paris, in a Regional Office or a national computing centre. They may sometimes work in other Ministerial Statistical Departments at central or regional level. They may be seconded abroad as economic cooperation experts : these posts are usually reserved for experienced executives.
Statisticians are trained at Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletENSAI, the National School of Statistics and Information Analysis. For civil servant statisticians, the course lasts 2 years.
This school is located in Rennes on the Ker Lann campus.
INSEE managers (category B)
Integrated preparatory class (CPI), intensive training programme to prepare students for the external competitive exam for managers.
There are managers working in all departments at INSEE, mainly in statistics but also in computing and administration, depending on the department to which they are appointed :
- in statistics, they manage data collection and exploit the information gathered, manage registers of companies and individuals, process and analyse information collected, and disseminate information ;
- in computing, they develop computer applications, assist users, administer computer facilities (network, server, etc.) and databases ;
- in administration, they manage human resources, equipment, finance.
Manager training takes the form of a one-year paid internship, consisting of :
- six months in the INSEE training centre in Libourne (CEFIL)
- three months' practical internship in the establishment to which they have been appointed ;
- three months' internship spent adapting to the post to which they have been appointed.
Administrative assistants (category C)
Administrative assistants and chief administrative assistants work under category A and category B agents, carrying out administrative and technical duties in the INSEE's regional offices and central departments.
Survey interviewers
Survey interviewers may carry out three types of function :
- every month they visit retail outlets to record the prices needed to calculate the consumer price index ;
- and/or carry out surveys with individuals, either face to face or by telephone ;
- and/or carry out work for the population census:
- checks related to urban geography,
- collection of forms from communities,
- checks after data collection,
- some also have a supervisory role, assisting and monitoring approximately twenty municipalities throughout the census operation.
INSEE survey interviewers receive general training to carry out these different activities, where they learn mainly about the rules of confidentiality. They also receive specific training for each activity, and especially for every new survey.