Number of employees in the Official Statistical System at 1st January 2024

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 26/08/2024

The Official Statistical System is "functionally decentralised".

It is composed by Insee and Ministerial Statistical Offices (MSOs) listed in the amended Decree 2009-250 of the 3rd of March 2009 concerning the French Official Statistics Authority (ASP).

In the following table of employees, the scope of the Official Statistics is broader than the scope of the Official Statistical Service. It includes all the statistical units of the Ministerial decentralised Offices.

Total Official Statistics

All Central Offices Decentralised Offices
INSEE* 5 002** 1 144*** 3 858
Ministries 1 954 1 174 780
INSEE + Ministries 6 956 2 318 4 638
of wich Official Statistical Service 6 441 2 318 4 123
  • (*) Employees at 31 December 2024
  • (**) Not including GENES personnel
  • (***) Head Office including Cefil

Detail by Domain

Ministerial Domains All of wich statistical services of the central administration (including in province) of which decentralised statistical services (including those of the Ile-de-France region)
Total of which INSEE Total of which INSEE Total of which INSEE
Agriculture 380 102 115 47 265 55
Local Authorities 9 6 9 6 0 0
External Trade 101 8 27 7 74 1
Culture 42 7 42 7 0 0
Defence 22 7 22 7 0 0
Energy, Housing, Transport and the Environment 219 73 153 55 66 18
Education 475 53 200 29 275 24
Higher Education, Research 79 15 79 15 0 0
Public Finances 16 5 16 5 0 0
Civil Service 21 12 21 12 0 0
Immigration 21 7 21 7 0 0
Youth and Sports 10 5 10 5 0 0
Justice 64 19 64 19 0 0
Health and Solidarity 184 63 184 63 0 0
Internal Security 49 19 49 19 0 0
Labour 262 73 162 44 100 29
Total 1 954 474 1 174 347 780 127
Total category A agents 1 449 449 994 338 455 111
Total category B agents 376 25 129 9 247 16
Total category C agents 129 0 51 0 78 0
Total in MSOs 1 439 402 1 174 347 265 55
  • Nota : are noted in bold the number of MSOs employees for whom the scope of wich is defined by the decree 2009-250 of the 3rd March 2009 relating to the French Authority of Public Statistics (ASP).