All employees databases

Paru le :Paru le09/02/2025

All employees databases are annual files with microdata for every employee, produced from administrative declarations of their employers. To each annual vintage "N" corresponds an All employees database with both year "N" and year "N-1" data. These bases provide information on the type of employment and remuneration at the individual level. All employees databases enable the french national statistical office Insee to present comprehensive statistics on income and employment.

Coverage includes employees of the business sector and public enterprises, employees of all three divisions of the civil service, and employees of individual employers (household employees).

Sources vary as follows :

For the business sector, annual salaries and job counts are mainly derived from the « Déclaration Sociale Nominative » (DSN) form which, since 2016, has replaced the « Déclaration Annuelle de Données Sociales » (DADS) form.

For the civil service, since 2022, data come mainly from the DSN and are processed within the PIRENES chain. For previous years, data came from various sources and were processed by the SIASP application (dedicated to civil servants).

For the employees of individuals employers, wage declarations are used within the framework of the following plans : « Chèque Emploi Service Universel » (CESU), « Prestation d'Accueil du Jeune Enfant » (PAJE) and « Déclaration Nominative Simplifiée » (DNS).

Once the data are received and statistically controlled and adjusted, they are gathered in a single database covering all employees, named the All employees database ("DADS-large format" up to 2016).

As a reminder, the 2017 vintage was the first to widely us « Déclaration Sociale Nominative » (DSN) for the business sector (All Employees database 2017).

2022 vintage is the first to use DSNs for the public sector.

Documentation par millésimes

Administrative data


Directorate of Research, Economic Studies and Statistics 
