Census of State Agents Gendarmes 


Paru le :Paru le20/09/2024

CSA_G is an annual statistical file fed with data from the National Gendarmerie's human resources information system, Agorha (Organisation and Human Resources Management Application) and its integrated pay calculation module. CSA_G is intended to satisfy the orders of the High Committee for Military Evaluation (HCME) and to carry out studies on Gendarmerie personnel and salaries (Ecodef, Defense Statistical Year).

CSA_G was created in 2019. Before 2019, the calculation of gendarmes' salary was entrusted to the Ministry of the Armed Forces and required a double entry of HR data in the PSIDI calculator for active personnel and DIRES for reservists. Gendarmes were integrated into the CSA (military and gendarmes).

Documentation par millésimes

Administrative data

Economic Observatory for Defence
