Cooling Economic Outlook - December 2022


Conjoncture in France- December 2022


In Q3 2022, payroll employment increased overall at the same pace as in the first two quarters of the year: +0.4%. This is a fairly dynamic pace, although only half that of the 2021 quarterly average. At the end of September, payroll employment exceeded its level at the end of 2019 by 931,000 (or +3.6%). It was then above its pre-crisis level in all the major sectors of activity, whether in building construction, the tertiary sector or now in industry. Sandwich contracts, and especially apprenticeship contracts, have made a considerable contribution to this buoyancy in payroll employment since the pre-crisis period, increasing it by about a third. At the same time, self-employment also continued to increase significantly, driven by microenterprise creations, and by the end of 2022 is expected to exceed its end of 2019 level by 250,000...

Conjoncture in France

Paru le :06/01/2023