Cooling Economic Outlook - December 2022
In Q3 2022, post-health crisis catch-up effects in the Eurozone lessened and activity slowed sharply (+0.3%, after +0.8% in Q2 2022), while inflation continued to rise. This economic slowdown affected Spain (+0.2% after +1.5%), Italy (+0.5% after +1.1%) and France (+0.2% after +0.5%), after a relatively vigorous Q2, coming as it did after the start to the year was affected both by the Omicron wave and the outbreak of war in Ukraine. In Germany, on the other hand, activity accelerated this summer (+0.4% after +0.1%). Within these four economies, domestic demand was the main contributor to the increase in activity in Q3, while foreign trade affected GDP growth...
Conjoncture in France
Paru le :06/01/2023