France, social portrait 2013 Edition

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Rémi Josnin
France, portrait social- November 2013

Repeat offences more frequent and sooner among juveniles with a sentence

Rémi Josnin

In 2004, 500,000 persons were sentenced for an offence or “serious” violation, as registered in the Police Records. Among them, four out of ten already had criminal records at the time of sentencing in 2004. Between 2004 and 2011, if we exclude road traffic offences, which constitute a case of frequent and atypical repeat offences, 38% of those sentenced were for repeat offences. This rate of repeat offence reached 59% for the convicted with criminal records. Around 40% of the repeat offenders returned before the Law Courts for the same offence as that sanctioned in 2004. Repeat offences are very common among young, even very young, delinquents: six condemned persons out of ten in 2004, minors at the time of the alleged acts, repeated offences before 2011. By nature, the type of offence and sentence passed, young delinquents re-offend more and faster than older prisoners.

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Paru le :14/11/2013