Inflation is falling, growth is hesitant Economic Outlook - June 2023


Conjoncture in France
Paru le :Paru le26/06/2023
Conjoncture in France- June 2023


In Q1 2023, growth in economic activity was sluggish in the Eurozone (-0.1% after -0.1% in Q4 2022), in a context of high prices which curbed both household consumption and production in the most energy-consuming industries. Thus, activity fell back again in Germany (-0.3% after -0.5%): this downturn should be qualified somewhat, however, as it is mainly the result of a strong decline in government consumption (-4.9%, as government spending on vaccines and tests associated with the health crisis came to a halt). In contrast in Italy and France, activity recovered a little of its vigour (respectively +0.6% after -0.1% and +0.2% after +0.0%). In Spain, where there is greater potential for catch-up, activity continued to grow at a similar pace to previous quarters (+0.5% after two quarters at +0.4%)...

Conjoncture in France

Paru le :26/06/2023