Inflation is falling, growth is hesitant Economic Outlook - June 2023


Conjoncture in France
Paru le :Paru le26/06/2023
Conjoncture in France- June 2023

Household consumption and investment

After a sharp decline at the end of 2022 (-1.0%), household consumption remained virtually stable in Q1 2023 (+0.1%). The slump in energy consumption in Q4 2022 was the main contributor to the overall trend in consumption, and it has only partially rebounded: although weather conditions were not as mild as at the end of last year, households’ energy-saving behaviour persisted. In addition, purchases of manufactured goods fell back further: this was especially the case for food products, in line with the ongoing acceleration in their year-on-year prices. This drop in consumption recorded in the national accounts may reflect not only a fall in amounts consumed, but also changes in the product ranges bought. In services, household consumption, driven by accommodation-catering services, increased at a similar pace overall to that at the end of 2022...

Conjoncture in France

Paru le :26/06/2023