Inflation is falling, growth is hesitant Economic Outlook - June 2023
In Q1 2023, payroll employment increased by 0.3% (+92,400 jobs between the end of December 2022 and the end of March 2023), after +0.2% in Q4 2022 (+55,400 jobs) and +0.3% in Q3 2022 (+88,700 jobs). Thus at the end of March 2023, payroll employment rose by +1.3% year-on-year. This was the ninth consecutive quarter to experience a rise since the end of 2020. However, the pace of salaried job creations has gradually declined: +0.9% on average every quarter in 2021, then +0.3% on average for each quarter in 2022...
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Paru le :26/06/2023