Growth is holding up, inflation too Economic Outlook - March 2023
In Q4 2022, payroll employment slowed: +0.2% (+44,000 jobs), after +0.4% in Q1 (+109,300 jobs) and Q2 2022 (+99,700 jobs) and +0.3% in Q3 (+84,100 jobs). This was the eighth consecutive quarter to see an increase since the end of 2020. At the end of December, payroll employment stood well above its level one year previously (+1.3%, or +337,100 jobs) and exceeded its pre-health crisis level at the end of 2019 by 4.5%, or almost 1.2 million extra jobs, a third of which were sandwich contracts. In Q4 2022, the slowdown in payroll employment affected virtually all sectors of activity, and was a little more pronounced in the market tertiary sector. After several quarters with a marked increase, work-study employment also contributed to the overall slowing in Q4 2022...
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Paru le :21/03/2023