Économie et Statistique n° 478-479-480 - 2015 Social and fiscal measures for families - Link between diploma and professional integration - Dossier: Time Use survey

Economie et Statistique
Paru le :Paru le29/10/2015
Muriel Letrait et Fanny Salane
Economie et Statistique- October 2015

Time dedicated to children: are teachers different from other higher education graduates?

Muriel Letrait et Fanny Salane

Teachers' children are generally the most advantaged in the school environment, even when compared to children of managers. One explanation of this “teacher-parent” effect is the particular working time organisations of this profession, and the synchronisation of family time that it allows. This article, based on results from the 2010 Time Use survey and the specific “Teachers” module, analyses parenting time and the share of each gender among teachers and non-teacher graduates. Three types of time were studied: total time dedicated to children, time dedicated only to games and learning, and time dedicated only to health and support activities. In comparing these types of time, the research highlights that gender, skills and availability all contribute. Indeed, teachers are present more frequently at their homes and for longer periods than other graduates of higher education, and dedicate more of their time overall to their children. If we compare men to each other, and women to each other, being a teacher increases time spent with children on work days. For women, this is true no matter what the type of time studied. For men, this is observed only for time dedicated to games and learning. The differences between teachers and other higher-education graduates are not compensated for on rest days. Being a teacher does not, however, challenge the unequal distribution of child-centred tasks between the genders. Male teachers may well be more available and participate more in games and learning on work days than non-teaching women graduates, but women, teachers or not, are still the ones who spend the most time on healthcare and support, whatever the type of day studied.

Economie et Statistique

No 478-479-480

Paru le :29/10/2015