Annual survey on service companies
Services EAE
Services EAE
The goal is to collect the main data on the structure of service companies. This survey meets the requirements of the EC regulation on structural statistics.
It meets the needs of macroeconomic analysis (notably the national accounts) and numerous sector-level analysis needs.
The INSEE Services Survey is the latest in the line of annual business surveys; it was launched for the first time in March 1983 covering the year 1982.
It has been conducted every year since then.
From 2009 (covering 2008), the annual survey on service companies (EAE) was replaced by the less detailed annual sector survey (ESA).
This survey will systematically use the administrative sources that INSEE has knowledge of, thereby easing the workload of respondent companies.
Plus d'informations
- Annual business survey in trade
- Sales index in retail trade and personal services
- Service producer price index
- Services Production index (base 2015)
- Services Production index base 2010
- Survey on networks in services
- Turnover index in services
- Turnover index in the wholesale trade and business services
- Unified corporate statistics system