Turnover index in services
Turnover indexes in value for services make it possible to measure monthly changes in sales by value of companies in the sectors concerned.
They fall under the European regulation on short-term statistics (Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 of 19 May 1998, as amended by its subsequent amendments).
In order to limit the statistical burden on businesses, and because information is collected on a regular basis by DGFiP, INSEE uses the value added tax (VAT) tax returns of companies to build a Monthly indices of turnover.
The tax authority provides INSEE with VAT returns every month..
Until 2015, turnover indices were calculated from a sample of companies reporting VAT on a monthly basis.
This sample, of some 160,000 companies, was renewed each year. It included an exhaustive stratum (the largest companies in each sector) and was drawn proportionally to turnover on the rest of the field.
Since 2016, all monthly returns are used to calculate the indices.