Community innovation survey 2016 

CIS 2016

Paru le :Paru le06/03/2025

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

CIS2016 was collected from May 11, 2017 to January 5, 2018, the date on which the Coltrane authentication portal was closed for this survey. It is carried out via the Internet (95% of returns) and, if necessary, by post (at the company's request).

The geographical reference area covers metropolitan France and the overseas departments (DOM) including Mayotte.

Units of measure :
- Employees (TEFF_coll) in number of employees;
- Amounts (CA, RALLX, RRDINX, RRDINX, RRDEXX, RMACX, ROEKX and ROTRX) in thousands of euros;
- Share of new products for one of the company's markets (TURNMAR), share of new products only for the company (TURNIN), share of unchanged products (TURNUNG), share of operating expenses devoted to logistics (LGPC), share of export turnover in 2014 (SLO14) and 2016 (SLO16) in percentage (%);
- Binary or multimodal variable for qualitative data.

Collection mode

  • By post mail
  • By Internet

Survey unit

Legal unit

Sampling method

The sample is drawn from a sampling frame constructed from the Sirus inventory using a simple random sampling design stratified by activity, workforce segment and region where possible. The calculation of the allocations combines a Neyman allocation on the rate of innovative units and a proportional allocation on the number of innovative units, which makes it possible on the one hand to be precise on the central variable of the survey (the innovation rate) and also to query a reasonable number of innovative units in order to ensure satisfactory accuracy for questions concerning only these units.

Sample size

23,240 units

Data validation

  • Controls during the collection phase
  • Follow-ups during the collection phase: exhaustive mail reminders on non-respondents, priority telephone reminders on non-respondents
  • Clearance to ensure consistency of responses within each questionnaire
  • Winsorisation: control of the influence of atypical units
  • Calculation of precision indicators