Innovation survey
The original objectives of the Capacity to Innovate and Strategy (CIS) survey are
to measure the economic weight of innovation in France, by providing quantitative
information on:
- the frequency of innovation by nature (in number of companies, by sector, by number
of employees);
- the amount of innovation expenditure (Research and development - R&D, acquisition
of equipment or knowledge);
- the turnover resulting from innovation.
It also sheds light on specific aspects of the innovation process (innovation activities
carried out, existence of cooperation (public, private, etc.), source of funding for
From the 2018 CIS survey round, the original objectives are extended to non-innovative
companies. The company strategies and the use of co-creation (product development
with the active participation of users) also broaden these objectives.
Moreover, innovation concepts are modified as innovation is now analyzed according
to product and process innovations (including organizational and marketing innovation).
Conducted in all European countries and based on internationally harmonised definitions,
this survey allows comparisons between the different EU countries28 as well as Switzerland,
Norway, Iceland and Serbia. It allows an economic analysis of innovation and better
guide innovation policy, both in France and in Europe.
The first edition of the survey took place in 1993 and focused on product or process
innovations in the manufacturing sector. It was carried out until 2005 every 4 years
(in 1997, 2001 and 2005) and then every 2 years (in 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013).
The scope of the survey, initially limited to units with 10 or more employees in industry,
was extended in 2001 to include trade and service enterprises.
In 2005, the survey was extended to include organizational and marketing innovation.
Starting in 2009, additional modules will appear, varying from one edition to another
and covering:
- environmental benefits for the 2008 CIS, the 2014 CIS and the 2020 CIS surveys;
- skills and creativity for the 2010 CIS;
- public procurement and companies strategies to achieve their objectives for the
2012 CIS;
- logistics innovations for the 2016 CIS.
The sectoral scope of the survey was reduced in 2011 and 2013 to be limited to the
only mandatory sectoral scope of the European Regulation (sections B-E, G46, H,J,K
and M71-M73 of the Nace rev. 2): this allowed a positive response to scope extensions
in some regions (8 to 10 regions in a given year) in order to produce localized results.
For waves 2014, 2016 and 2018, the field was extended and remained constant to allow
for temporal comparisons. This field will be retained for the 2020 CIS.
In order to reduce the subjectivity of the survey, to improve the measurement of innovation,
to better meet user expectations and to comply with the latest recommendations of
the Oslo Manual, the questionnaire for the 2018 survey was significantly revised.
This redesign focused on the very concepts of innovation, which changed the scope
of the different questions and the structure of the questionnaire, the wording of
the questions and the proposed answers. The 2020 CIS questionnaire will be similar
to the 2018 questionnaire, with the addition of questions on environmental benefits.
However, two major changes are to be noted for the 2020 CIS :
- the interrogation unit is the enterprise (independent or profiled), and not the
legal unit as in previous waves
- some questions are now only asked to enterprises with 50 or more employees that
are not part of the accommodation/restaurant sector (section I NACE rev. 2). Indeed,
enterprises in the accommodation and restaurant sector and those with less than 50
employees, in any sector, receive a simplified questionnaire.
Documentation par millésimes
- Quality report: Community Innovation Survey 2024
- Quality report: Community Innovation Survey 2022
- Community Innovation Survey 2020
- Community innovation survey 2018
- Community innovation survey 2016
- Community innovation survey 2014
- Community innovation survey 2012
- Community innovation survey 2010