Courrier des statistiques N4 - 2020
The Third Overhaul of the Sirene Registry Too Ambitious or Not Ambitious Enough?
Having long been at the heart of the business statistics system, SIRENE, INSEE's business register, has undergone major changes since 2005, when it had its last major overhaul: the main functions have been clarified, with a separate register of statistical units (SIRUS) and dissemination through an API (Application Programming Interface). SIRENE is now fully dedicated to administrative management and electronic exchanges with the partners involved in this management.
The third overhaul of SIRENE is taking place alongside other significant administrative reforms: the creation of a “one-stop shop” and a “general register” for business procedures, together with the electronic identity for persons representing legal units. The programme first aims to cut the costs of managing the register, against a backdrop of a steady increase in the volume of declarations to be processed. It should also ease the evolutions of the register, so that changes in business procedures can be incorporated more quickly as well as to provide better service to partners and businesses. The programme is founded on an analysis of the information system architecture and on quality management: the agile management of the projects over the 2019-2023 period facilitates the adaptation to the various organisational, functional and technical changes likely to occur during their progress, while also meeting the needs of INSEE end-users.
Paru le :15/09/2022