Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics n° 517-518-519 - 2020 Beyond and Around GDP: Questions to National Accounting
Does the Digital Economy Distort the Volume-Price Split of GDP? The French Experience
Lorraine Aeberhardt, Florian Hatier, Marie Leclair, Benoît Pentinat and Jean-Denis Zafar
The slowdown in economic growth over the past two decades is in contrast with the digitisation of the economy. As a result, certain economists are wondering about a possible problem in measuring GDP and, in particular, its volume-price split. The article reviews the methods used by statisticians, with a focus on France, to distinguish changes in price from changes in volume, with a particular attention to the particularities and difficulties linked with the digital economy: communication goods and services, the existence of forms of digital sales, the emergence of new digital services and the development of free services. While the methods put in place deserve to be questioned, a simulation shows that an error in the measurement of the prices of information and communication products is not likely to explain the slowdown in economic growth.
Article (pdf, 1 Mo )
Online Appendices (pdf, 223 Ko )
Citation: Aeberhardt, L., Hatier, F., Leclair, M., Pentinat, B. & Zafar, J. D. (2020). Does the Digital Economy Distort the Volume Price Split of GDP? The French Experience. Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics, 517-518-519, 139–156.