Informations rapides
13 September 2018
2018- n° 237
Rebound in business start-ups in August 2018 Enterprise births - August 2018

In August 2018, the number of business births for all enterprises bounced back (+4.8% after −3.4% in July, seasonally and working-day adjusted). Conventional businesses start-ups recovered sharply (+3.1% after −3.7%) as well as micro-entrepreneurs' registrations (+7.0% after −2.9%).

Informations rapides
No 237
Paru le :Paru le13/09/2018
Prochaine parution le : 20/09/2024 at 08:45 - August 2024

In August 2018, the number of business births for all enterprises bounced back (+4.8% after −3.4% in July, seasonally and working-day adjusted). Conventional businesses start-ups recovered sharply (+3.1% after −3.7%) as well as micro-entrepreneurs' registrations (+7.0% after −2.9%).

Graph1Monthly business start-ups (SA-WDA *)

  • * Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
  • Source: INSEE, REE (Sirene)

Table1Business set-ups by month (SA-WDA *)

Business set-ups by month (SA-WDA *) ( ) -
May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 Aug. 2018
Total businesses set-ups 59,318 58,673 56,695 59,431
Variation [m-o-m] % 6.0 -1.1 -3.4 4.8
Conventional businesses 33,281 32,645 31,422 32,388
Variation [m-o-m] % 6.6 -1.9 -3.7 3.1
Self-managed micro-entrepreneurs 26,037 26,028 25,273 27,043
Variation [m-o-m] % 5.3 0.0 -2.9 7.0
  • * Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
  • Source: INSEE, REE (Sirene)

+16.8% over the twelve last months

The raw number of business start-ups totted up during the last twelve months kept accelerating (+16.8% after +16.2% in July and +15.5% in June). All the types of business start-ups increased: micro-entrepreneurs' registrations (+26.3%), conventional sole proprietorship start-ups (+22.2%) and, to a lesser extent, company births (+1.8%).

Upsurge of business setp-ups in transportation and storage over the three last months

The raw number of business start-ups totted up during the last three months went up sharply (+19.8% over one year). The sector “Transportation and storage” was the one that contributed the most to this rise (rise by +7,500 business start-ups, which comes to a contribution of 5.6 points)1. Within it, the increase was the higher in other activities of post and mail, which includes home-delivery (rise by +6,600 business start-ups).

More than two business set-ups out of five are self-managed micro-entrepreneurs' registrations

In August 2018, the share of micro–entrepreneurs' registrations in the businesses set up over the last twelve months grew for the tenth month in a row and reached 43.3%.

Table0Business set-ups distribution by type

% over the twelve last months (raw data)
Business set-ups distribution by type (% over the twelve last months (raw data)) -
June 2018 July 2018 Aug. 2018
Companies 30.6 30.3 30.0
Sole proprietorships excluding self-managed micro-entrepreneurs 26.6 26.7 26.7
Self-managed micro-entrepreneurs 42.8 43.0 43.3
  • Source: INSEE, REE (Sirene)

1 The contribution of a sector to the overall variation is the variation observed in this sector, weighted by the share of this sector in the total number of births.

Table2Cumulated business start-ups by type

Raw data
Cumulated business start-ups by type (Raw data) -
Moving total % change * Moving total Moving total
over 3 months over 12 months January- August 2018 January- August 2017
Total 19.8 16.8 454,998 382,900
Companies 2.5 1.8 134,392 133,297
Conventional sole proprietorships 25.5 22.2 123,917 98,517
Self-managed micro-entrepreneurs 31.2 26.3 196,689 151,086
  • * Total of business start-ups during the last 3 or 12 months compared with the same months a year earlier
  • Source: INSEE, REE (Sirene)


The variation in the overall number of business births in July 2018 has been lowered by 0.1 points to −3.4% due to the revision of raw data and the update of the SA-WDA parameters.

Business set-ups by economic activity

Graph2Trade and business support activities monthly start-ups (SA-WDA *)

  • * Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
  • Source: INSEE, REE (Sirene)

Graph3Construction and transportation business monthly set-ups (SA-WDA *)

  • * Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
  • Source: INSEE, REE (Sirene)

Table3Number of monthly business set-ups (incl. self-managed micro-entrepreneurs)

Number of monthly business set-ups (incl. self-managed micro-entrepreneurs) (SA-WDA *) -
NA June 2018 July 2018 Aug. 2018
Total 58,673 56,695 59,431
Industry BE 2,461 2,395 2,511
Of which Manufacturing C 2,197 2,069 2,293
Construction FZ 5,733 5,589 5,830
Wholesale and retail trade, Transport, Accommodation and Food and beverage activities GI 18,093 17,489 18,641
Trade G 9,042 8,838 9,010
Transportation and storage H 6,161 5,879 6,762
Accommodation and food service activities I 2,891 2,772 2,870
Information and communication JZ 2,926 2,804 3,122
Financial and insurance activities KZ 1,479 1,398 1,500
Real estate activities LZ 2,238 2,050 2,344
Business support activities MN 13,899 13,656 13,559
Public administration and defence, education, human health and social work activities OQ 6,467 6,077 6,418
Other services activities RS 5,378 5,237 5,506
  • * Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
  • Source: INSEE, REE (Sirene)

Table4Fluctuation in the number of business set-ups (incl. self-managed micro-entrepreneurs)

In %
Fluctuation in the number of business set-ups (incl. self-managed micro-entrepreneurs) (In %) -
NA août 18 / July 18 Moving total % change**
SA-WDA * over 3 months over 12 months
Total 4.8 19.8 16.8
Industry BE 4.8 19.7 12.6
Of which Manufacturing C 10.8 22.0 15.7
Construction FZ 4.3 15.5 10.3
Wholesale and retail trade, Transport, Accommodation and Food and beverage activities GI 6.6 27.0 20.4
Trade G 1.9 9.7 11.0
Transportation and storage H 15.0 83.4 55.1
Accommodation and food service activities I 3.6 12.2 6.5
Information and communication JZ 11.3 19.3 17.7
Financial and insurance activities KZ 7.2 9.3 6.1
Real estate activities LZ 14.3 19.2 21.7
Business support activities MN -0.7 19.8 19.9
Public administration and defence, education, human health and social work activities OQ 5.6 6.4 7.1
Other services activities RS 5.1 22.7 21.2
  • * Seasonally and working-day adjusted data
  • ** Total of business start-ups during the last 3 or 12 months compared with the same months a year earlier
  • Source: INSEE, REE (Sirene)

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