Employment and income of self-employed workers 2015 Edition

This issue of the “Insee Références” collection offers a new look at self-employed workers, a category united by the absence of a subordination relationship.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le11/02/2015
Anne Pla, Fanny Mikol
Emplois et revenus des indépendants- February 2015

The earned income of recently established private practice doctors: recent developments and contrasts with their elders

Anne Pla, Fanny Mikol

Private practice doctors can have several sources of income (non-commercial profits, payroll income, etc.), with different combinations possible for these types of remuneration. They have great freedom in determining their level and type of activity. Doctors with non-fixed fees (sector 2) may also apply excess fees in addition to the conventional tariff for each act. Young doctors, established for less than five years, differ from their elders by their socio-demographic characteristics but also in the practice of their activity. They are usually surgeons or anaesthetists and less often general practitioners. Young general practitioners are now women for the majority. Young doctors more often than their elders have paid employment in addition to their private practice activity. Young specialists are much more frequently set up in Sector 2 (59% compared to 41% on average). Between 2005 and 2011, the overall income of young doctors, in constant euros, rose 2% for general practitioners and 11% for specialists. This trend was driven by an increase in payroll income as well as the move by health insurance to lump-sum payment in private practice.

Insee Références

Paru le :11/02/2015