Employment and income of self-employed workers 2015 Edition

This issue of the “Insee Références” collection offers a new look at self-employed workers, a category united by the absence of a subordination relationship.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le11/02/2015
Nathalie Delame
Emplois et revenus des indépendants- February 2015

Non-farm incomes reduce the income gap between farming households

Nathalie Delame

In 2010, the overall annual income, i.e. all taxable income, was 38,200 euros on average for farming households working on a farm of medium or large size. These resources were derived: 23,900 euros from farming, 8,500 euros from non-agricultural activities, 1,300 euros from pensions or retirement funds and 4,500 euros from property income. However, the composition of the total income depended on the structure of the household and the activities of each member. One household in two declared income from non-agricultural activities; this income was significant for one in three households. Non-farm activities were more common on arable or permanent crop farms than in livestock operations constrained by regular care for the animals.

Insee Références

Paru le :11/02/2015