Thirty years of economic and social life 2014 Edition

This new issue from the “Insee Références” collection is the first of its kind to present a full overview of the economic and social changes that have marked French society since 1980.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le29/01/2014
Pascale Pollet
Trente ans de vie économique et sociale- January 2014

From the family farm to the farming business

Pascale Pollet

The last thirty years are in the lineage of the thirty that went before: the number of farms reduced sharply and a growing share of production was down to large specialised units; the agricultural population diminished, wage-earners partly replaced family labour, farm managers were increasingly graduates. The relative fall in agricultural prices incited producers to adopt more efficient production methods, which allowed for an increase in the volume of production up to the 2000s. European policy, in supporting certain productions rather than others, modelled the agricultural landscape. Large field crops, more profitable than livestock, tended to replace natural prairies. Cattle breeding was deeply restructured by these reforms.

Insee Références

Paru le :29/01/2014