Thirty years of economic and social life 2014 Edition

This new issue from the “Insee Références” collection is the first of its kind to present a full overview of the economic and social changes that have marked French society since 1980.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le29/01/2014
Jean-Luc Tavernier
Trente ans de vie économique et sociale- January 2014

Introduction to "Thirty years of economic and social life"

Jean-Luc Tavernier

The official statistical system is regularly called upon to provide long-term background data: to compare the France of today and yesterday, to take a step back and put recent changes into perspective, to learn from the past… INSEE has always striven to provide historical depth. Indeed, France is the only European country to provide national accounting data backcast from 1949. On five occasions between 1926 and 1990, it has also published a retrospective directory of France, bringing together a large amount of long-term data. This new title in the “Insee Références” collection follows on from these directories, but with the intention of doing more than simply gathering figures together. Through reports and information sheets it sheds light on the major economic and social changes that have affected France since 1980.

Insee Références

Paru le :29/01/2014